Bonus Chapter 3

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You rode with Asta for awhile in silence as she absorbed the information you'd given her and accepted how poorly her secret relationship with Zala had actually been hidden. You knew that neither girl had made any commitments to the other. It was against the law until Asta was a full valkyrie. She could die in the trials, so she couldn't give any commitments until those trials were complete.

That had been why you and Loki had only had a single kiss before you went to the trials. And that had been a goodbye kiss the morning you left.

It was a long time before Asta spoke again. "Mama... are you sure you can't tell me anything about the trials?" She weedled, giving you her best pout. She'd definitely learned that from Loki. The twins were both excellent at getting their way. Loki absolutely hated it when they used those pouts against him. He thought it hilarious when they used their skills and wiles against anyone else, though.

Unless that someone was you. He'd taught the children at a young age that they were not to play any tricks on you or to be mean to you in any way shape or form. That was one thing he couldn't stand. Even from his own children. Especially from his own children. So they grew up with a healthy respect for their mother from all sides of the family.

That didn't stop them from whining, pouting, or weedling for what they wanted.

You looked over the Asta. "You know I can't, darling. It's against all the Valkyrie laws for any trainee to be told about the trials before they begin. Or for any outsider to be told," you reminded her. Again. You expected the question, though. She was nervous. You didn't fault her for being nervous. You'd been as annoying to your own mother and asking the same question as you rode to the trials with her all those years ago.

Asta huffed. "It's no fair. Even Father knows what the trials entail," she grumbled, her feathers ruffling in agitation.

"I know it isn't fair, darling. But it's a law I have yet to be able to change." It wasn't for a lack of trying. Asta nodded her understanding and returned to the quiet ride.

You rode for most of the day to reach Valkyria. The guards let you in and you led Asta to meet the headmistress and get settled in for her trials. You gave her one more tight hug when she was at her room. "You're ready, darling," you reassured her. You couldn't stay in Valkyrie while she took the trials. You would be a distraction to her and the temptation to help would be too great. It was yet another Valkyrie law.

So you hugged her goodbye and wished her luck and promised that she was ready until she finally believed you.

"Victory or Valhalla," she said softly as the hug broke.

Hearing the words from her ached, but she knew a Valkyrie's duty as well as you did. "Victory or Valhalla," you agreed gently and cupped her cheek. "I'll see you again before you know it," you promised. And you would. One way or another.


You couldn't stay in Valkyria that night, so you made the long ride back to the palace. At least it was late when you returned, so you could head straight up to your room. Loki was waiting for you, pacing the suite. He pulled you into his arms as soon as you slipped into the room. "How is she?" He asked you, terrified for his daughter.

"As well as she can be. It'll be a long year. But she's ready," you reminded him as you held onto him tightly. You both needed to believe in her. She could pass the trials. She was ready.

"And how are you holding up?" Loki asked.

You looked up into his emerald eyes. "A nervous wreck," you admitted. Lying to the god of lies was never a good idea, so you told him the truth whenever you could.

Loki leaned down and kissed you softly. "As am I, love," he replied. You'd be nervous wrecks together in private.

In public, and especially to Cal, you had to put on a brave face. The realm would ask questions, demand updates on her progress that you couldn't give. They loved their princess and wanted her to succeed. So you had to reassure them as best you could.

Privately, though, privately Loki could see your true feelings and you could worry together.

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