Chapter 14

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You threw a blanket over Loki's legs, taking pity on the room's occupants. He gave you a disappointed look, but you knew perfectly well what the traditional undergarment was when one was wearing a kilt. And you were sure that's exactly the undergarment Loki was wearing... or not wearing... "Lohk, play nice," you told him firmly. "They're never going to like us if you keep antagonizing them." By they, you meant Stark. Everyone else was slowly coming around to liking you, accepting you. Stark shot you a grateful look, though, so maybe there was hope he'd come around too.

"Spoilsport," Loki grumbled at you. "And, Darling, Stark is never going to like me. He cannot forgive me for New York," he reminded you. He had accepted that as fact.

"You said that wasn't your fault," you protested.

He shrugged. "And yet. The world does not forgive easily and those who were injured most especially. It is to be expected,"

You kissed him lightly and got up from the couch. You had procrastinated too long already on getting ready for the press conference. "Try? At least to be cordial? This is the only home I have..." you reminded him sadly. You caught the sad looks from the team as well at your reminder.

Loki took your hand and lifted it to his lips to kiss your knuckles. You saw he wanted to protest that this wasn't your only home, your only option, but he knew as well as you that you were in exile... "Very well," he told you instead.

You gave him a small smile and turned to Cap. "Are we meeting back here before the press conference?" you asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, meet up here. We'll all go down together. I'll prep Loki," he added. You nodded, kissed Loki again, and headed up to your room to get ready.

Nat peeked her head into our room after you'd dressed in a sleek floor length dress the same blue as your Valkyrie cape. You were putting the final touches on your hair, which you had pulled up into a knot at the back of your head and secured with gold hair sticks. "Need help?" Nat asked kindly. "You did fine at the first conference, but..."

"You were concerned I'm like Thor and can't dress myself as a Midgardian?" you asked, laughing. "Natasha, I've been here 900 years. I can manage. Plus I was a court lady on Asgard,"

"Maybe I should get you to do my hair then," she replied with a laugh.

"I can if you want..." you offered tentatively, wondering if she'd trust you to do it.

"That'd be great. I'll be back down in a minute," she rushed off and you smiled. Nat usually wasn't very open with people, but you got along with her just fine. She was back in a sleek, but professional enough black dress by the time you'd finished your makeup. You used magic to do her hair for her so you couldn't risk touching her with your bare skin. You chatted with her while you worked and it just seemed so...normal. "Are you going to be ok with no sleeves?" Nat asked, concerned, as you left your room to head downstairs and meet up with the boys. Your dress was halter-style with a low-cut back. It was summer after all.

"It'll be fine. I'll be careful," you promised. You didn't want to draw undo attention to your 'skin condition' and gloves and sleeves in August counted as drawing attention. Nat didn't look convinced, but didn't say anything else. You knew you were perfectly safe. Between you and Loki you would be, anyway. He was protective after all.

Loki was waiting for you outside your bedroom door. "Ladies," he greeted you politely with an elegant bow. He was wearing a perfectly, magically, tailored black three piece suit with a white dress shirt and emerald tie. You didn't have words to describe how good it looked on him.

You dipped a curtsy automatically. Some habits hadn't died over the years and you'd spent a lot of time attending formal events on Asgard with Loki. "Your highness," you replied properly, but warmly, a smile on your face at the old familiarity.

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