Bonus Chapter 4

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Slowly, steadily, and surely, the days and weeks and months passed.

A year.

You had to wait a long, grueling year to find out if your daughter lived or died.

There were no shortcuts, no secret ways for you to find out early.

Like every Valkyrie mother before you, you had to wait impatiently for an entire year for your daughter's return, praying that she would return.

Your daily life continued, your duties and ruling of Asgard. Your daughter being on her trials couldn't stop you from doing your duty. Though you missed her every day. You saw in Cal's eyes that he was lost without his twin. He did his duties. He studied, attended meetings, did everything a young prince was expected to, but his eyes were dull and he was worried. He missed his sister, his twin. They'd never been separated, and now they were forced apart for an entire year.

There was a time when you thought that Asta would end up assigned to Cal when she passed the trials. You still half-expected it, though you knew her fate was to end up assigned to her love, to Zala.

The realm expected her to be assigned to Zala as well. They didn't mind at all that their princess-valkyrie would be assigned to (and loved) a woman. Asgard was progressive like that.

Zala... was another story. You and the entire royal family tried to comfort her as best you could, but she was distraught over Asta being at the trials and worried for her love. She tried not to show it, but the young elf couldn't hide her emotions that well. She and Asta were adorable together and you truly hoped they could be happy and Asta would return.


The seasons turned and time passed as it always did.

Eventually, the day came when the Valkyrie told you that Asta had gone to the grand trial. That was all the news they were able to give you. You weren't allowed to go to Helheim while she was there, excepting official duties of course, neither was Loki as the new Allfather, or Odin as the previous Allfather. You couldn't check on her to see how she was doing. It was against the rules.

It took all of your willpower to obey that law.

The grand trial was immensely difficult. Asta had to survive 30 days in Helheim, rescuing souls and slaying wraiths. It was a grueling task and the final one to become a full valkyrie.

You caught all of your family praying more than once for her safe return from Helheim, praying to Hela herself, as if the queen of the dead would help you. You couldn't fault them for trying.


The thirty days passed, and you and Loki held each other in your suite as you waited for news. Cal was curled in your arms. He kept asking you for news, but all you could do was shake your head. There was nothing any of you would know until Asta returned to the palace, or one of the ravens did to report her death. The realm left you alone that day, understanding that for this once, family came first.

Loki jolted to his feet when servants knocked on the door and went to answer it while you cuddled Cal. Both of you were paying close attention to his conversation.

"Princess Asta is riding home, your majesty," the servant announced with a bow to Loki.

Cal jumped to his feet and ran to the stables to wait for his sister. You rushed over to hug Loki. Asta was safe. She was coming home! She had passed the trials!


Much later that evening, after many hugs and cuddles and doting on your exhausted daughter, she knelt before the throne of Asgard, before her father, and swore the words of the oath to the princess she loved. Zala had been surprised by the assignment, but accepted it with grace and joy.

The pair were absolutely adorable.

And enjoyed a kiss in front of the entire realm when the oaths were sealed.

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