Chapter 12

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Thor sighed heavily when he knocked on the door. "I do not want to see my brother kissing..." Thor grumbled at you both as you looked over at him. You rolled your eyes and sat up where you'd been reclining against the pillows, wrapped in Loki's arms.

"Geez, Thor, since when are you a prude? Hel, I caught you with your hand up maids' skirts barely hidden in an alcove more times than I can count... Plus that time with Lady Sif..." you teased. "We were just kissing," Thor glared and grumbled while Loki laughed.

"I still do not wish to see my baby brother in such a situation," he grumbled. You stood from the bed, though to go talk to him properly.

"I have never been caught in such compromisings situations as you, brother dear," Loki commented too innocently. Thor glared.

"I have stories I can tell your lady as well," Thor threatened. Loki blanched and held up his hands in surrender. You would have to find out what those stories were later. "You two seem to have reconciled quickly..."

"We lost 900 years, Thunderhead," you reminded him. "And... not that it's any of your business, mind, but after we discussed things, well, our relationship fell back into place like nothing changed." Loki joined you at the doorway, his arm automatically around your shoulders, possessive and protective, though you were the bodyguard. Thor looked like he wanted to say more, but seemed to realize that now wasn't the time. "So, what did Fury say?" you asked innocently. You usually took the innocent approach. Loki was bad at it and no one believed him when he tried it. They just assumed he was guilty anyway.

"He is letting you both stay," Thor told you. He didn't quite believe the innocent act either, but wasn't calling you on it. "We are announcing Loki is joining the team at a press conference tomorrow. I have to warn you both and I don't want to hear that you aren't children, I know. Fury also gave us a warning that if you can't behave or cause trouble, the world security council will lock you away and there is nothing any of us can do about it,"

"We're not stupid, Thor," you told him quickly. "Nor are we children," you grumbled.

"I know you're not," Thor told you, exasperated. "But the public does not trust Loki, for valid, if incorrect reasons. Father sent him here to make amends. For now, stay out of the spotlight," Thor suggested. You knew it was an order and Loki did too.

Before you could complain more about the unfair treatment, you had both been drafted after all, the alarm went off throughout the tower. You summoned your battle armor in an instant. Thor use Mjolnir to do the same. Loki started to do the same, but Thor pointed Mjolnir at him. "Not you, brother. Not yet. Stay here," Loki was still on house arrest. Loki looked at you, horrified.

"Kyrie, no," he said softly, reaching for your arm, to hold you here, to keep you safe. You leaned up and kissed him.

"I'll be fine, love," you promised him. "I've been out on plenty of missions before." He hadn't seemed to worry over the last month when you'd gotten called out. He had been hiding his feelings well, too focused on his hurt feelings it had seemed to focus on your wellbeing. "And I'll keep your idiot brother safe,"

"He better keep you safe," Loki grumbled. You smiled and kissed him again.

"Despite all I have survived, my prince still worries over me," you told him softly with a warm smile.

He gave you a small smile in return. "It's only because I worry over you that you have survived," he replied. You'd heard the words between Odin and Frigga all of your lives, though 'my prince' was replaced by 'my queen' in their version. After all these years, Loki still had Frigga's tone and mannerisms down in the words. Of course he did. He adored his Mother.

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