Chapter 48

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"The Allfather would never choose Loki over Thor," you protested, trying to keep your voice down so you didn't draw attention. You didn't want anyone listening in on your conversation, or realizing that Loki was less well defended than usual while you were talking with your mother. Not that he was unable to defend himself if there was trouble. You both knew that. You also knew that you felt better being an extra line of defense before someone got to your husband.

And he was comfortable enough with his masculinity to not be threatened by your skill.

No warriors could fare against a fight against Valkyrie. There was a reason you were honored and cherished. You served the crown and protected the royal family or your charges. You were only one small step below the royal family in rank and you were all practically treated as royalty. Especially you, even before you'd become an official princess of Asgard.

"He may have no choice," your mother insisted quickly and quietly. You realized that she'd been wanting to talk to you for awhile, but hadn't gotten an opportunity to speak where you wouldn't be overheard. This was the best opportunity when there was so much dancing and drinking going on that you couldn't be overheard.

And Loki wasn't here to overhear either.

Your mother really wanted this conversation to be private.

"The Allfather is not growing any younger and an official heir must be named-"

"Wasn't Thor named heir when he was to be coronated as crown prince a few years back?" you asked. That was when Loki had stopped the coronation with jotuns to keep Thor from ruling a little while longer. You had seen the movie and the boys had told you what happened.

"Yes, but Thor was never crowned as the Crown Prince that day, or any day thereafter," your mother explained. "The people always thought he would be, but something has always stayed the Allfather's hand. You know he sees pieces of the future due to his lost eye," you nodded your agreement. Odin had given up his eye for knowledge of Asgard's future. "So Odin must name an heir, and soon. He cannot delay much longer,"

"Why delay? If everyone knows he will choose Thor?" you asked.

Your mother shook her head. "Everyone does not know that. The mages council in particular. And the Valkyrie. When there are multiple children of the current king, the throne passes to the child most deserving, the one who will lead the realm into prosperity. When Thor was to be coronated, it was after Odin had been portraying him as the golden child for centuries. There are those who have realized that he is too rash to be a good leader. He does not have the diplomatic skills, nor a Valkyrie of his own to guide him. Your return has changed a lot of things, darling,"

You blinked. "My return? Because the people realize that Loki has a Valkyrie assigned to him, and has since we were children," you said. It raised Loki's claim to the throne. He was a prince of Asgard, even adopted he had equal right to the throne. On top of that, he was a learned man, a skilled sorcerer and warrior, for all that he didn't go bragging about his physical abilities. He had enough to attempt to keep up with you. Plus, he had you at his side.

Your mother nodded. "We all know that you, Loki, and Thor will be returning to Midgard shortly to face down the man you were forced to return from the dead," she started. You nodded, you had that duty to attend to. You had set the man free from death, it was your responsibility to take him back to Helheim where he belonged. You couldn't let him run rampant on Midgard, causing trouble as he had the first time he was alive. There was a reason that Hydra wanted this man alive and the Avengers wanted him dead.

"After that task is completed, and Heimdall will be watching, you three will be called back to Asgard," your mother continued, speaking quickly and quietly. This was important and there wasn't a lot of time for her to get the words out before you were interrupted. "Where Thor and Loki will undergo trials to determine which of them will be named heir to the throne," she added, her voice barely audible above the crowd even though you were standing directly in front of her.

"What kind of trials?" you asked her urgently. You wanted to be prepared for what you would be facing. For what Loki would be facing. It was likely he would have to face them alone.

You prayed his trials wouldn't be nearly as difficult as yours had been. You'd survived a year of hell and torture to earn your Valkyrie tattoo and your place at Loki's side.

Earning the throne had to be more difficult.

And you didn't want your Loki facing that kind of hardship.


You wanted nothing more than to protect him.

"I cannot say, even I do not know. It is at the discretion of the Allfather to set the trials. I shouldn't even be telling you this much, but you must be prepared, Loki must be prepared. Even if he does not inherit the throne, it would not do for him to fail and look the fool for being unprepared,"

"How can I prepare him if we don't know what the trial will be?" you asked, frustrated. You couldn't prepare him for a trial with no information.

"You will do your best, darling, but even a warning will help your husband prepare," she reminded you.

You nodded at that. "I'll do my best," you promised her.

She gave you a warm smile and a hug. "Of course you will, my darling. Now return to your husband before he gets suspicious," she told you. You nodded and went to do just that. Loki was watching you, looking for you. You'd been gone too long already.

You returned to his side and kissed him softly. "Everything alright, darling?" he asked you, concerned.

"Just fine, love. I just needed to catch up with mother," you replied. You weren't lying, but you'd tell him the full truth when you were alone. There was a lot to catch him up on and he wouldn't accept a single piece of it. 

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