chapter 30: punchless

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I sat on my bed with my legs straight out

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I sat on my bed with my legs straight out. Thankfully, the painkillers have lessened the pain, but all these casts are uncomfortable. It's been a week since I got home, and Lisa, Jackson's mother, seems great. I've gotten used to using my crutches, which is something I never thought I could get used to.

Jackson had some important meetings which he had to attend, so he's out. Honestly, I'm happy he's not here.

I know I said I was fine with everything that happened, but wounds don't heal immediately. Sigh, I don't even know how I feel. I like him too much to be mad, but I don't know if I like him enough, or if I'm telling myself I don't like him enough because I'm too afraid of admitting it?

On another note, what I'm not so happy about is that my mother and father are coming over today. My dad was helping my mother pack up in Maryland, so they are coming in today. I didn't even want them to know, but Jackson just had to tell them. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents, but they have become a little too overprotective and over involved in my life, and I don't want that.

I want independence.

"Do you need anything, hun?" Jackson's mother asked.

"No, I think I'm good," I answer.

She takes a seat at the edge of my bed, "This isn't exactly how I pictured seeing you." She gives a soft chuckle, "Jackson talks a lot about you."

My eyebrows raise, and I laugh through my nose, "Really?"

"Yeah, the boy's head over heels. You're the first girl that makes him so happy. I could basically hear his smile over the phone," Lisa smiles.

I look down and smile.

An alarm goes off, and I look to my nightstand. Jackson bought an alarm that goes off to remind me about the medications I have to take. Apparently, he can't even trust me enough to set my own alarms.

"I'll go get you some more water," Lisa stands and walks out. Just then, the bell rings. I pray that it's Jackson and not my parents, but as soon as the door opens, I hear my parents' voices.

I sigh and sit up a little more. Here we go.

The three of them walk up to my room, my mother's hand covering her mouth.

"Carly!" my mother cried.

"I'm fine," I say, playing it off because I actually am - kinda.
"How'd this even happen?" my Dad asks.

"I guess I just wasn't walking where I was going," I answered, taking the cup of water from Lisa and downing a couple of pills.

My parents continue interrogating me, and it's not long until I use the old "I'm really tired" excuse - everyone leaves. Thank God.

I just don't feel like talking to anyone at the moment.

The silence of the bar is calming

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The silence of the bar is calming.

I made up a lousy excuse about an important meeting to get out and clear my head. Watching Scarlet fumble around in those casts was getting to be too much for me. Even though it wasn't really my fault, I still keep blaming myself. Once I get my hands on my father, I swear I might kill the man.

A couple of drinks later, I find myself driving to my father's house. Holy shit, I might actually do something dangerous.

I'm not thinking straight right now.

The drive is quick, so I don't have enough time to rethink my decision. When I get there, I don't bother knocking. I already know where he hides the spare key.

At this moment my brain is off. Everything is instinctual. My feet lead me to my father's study where he always is.

My father turns around and raises his eyebrow, "What the hell? How'd you get in?" He's in a stupid golfing outfit.

I don't say anything.

"Have you been drinking?" He asks, "I can call the police right now."

I grab his collars, "You know what, go ahead. Call the police because there is going to be a dead body right here."

"You're out of your mind."
"I'm out of my mind?" I laugh, "You're the one that could've killed Scarlet!"

"Me?" He asks, "I wasn't in that car. I was just behind it."

My fist punches his face almost as if it's a reflex.

"What the-" My fathe- Jason yells.

"Fuck you, and fuck the company. I'm telling Scarlet everything," I say.

"You wouldn't! You're not going to fuck up something I worked so hard for."

"Watch me," I push him away and walk out.

He's lucky I'm still mostly sober because if I wasn't he'd have more than just a busted lip.

All I have to do now is get to work and finish up whatever I was working on, and then, I'm telling Scarlet everything.

All I have to do now is get to work and finish up whatever I was working on, and then, I'm telling Scarlet everything

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I wake up about thirty minutes later to my other sitting beside me.

"You're awake," she chimes, "How're you feeling, Carly?"

"Fine, I guess."

"Mhm, I think something, other than these casts, is bothering you," she points out.

"No, I'm fine, really."

"What's going on, Love? You can tell me."

I sigh, I guess it'll feel good to talk about it.

"It's just that - - I don't know. I feel conflicted," I mutter.

"Well, try telling it to me as if you were talking about a friend," She advises.

That's actually a good idea, "Okay, so, I have this friend, who is in a relationship with a guy, and she feels strongly about him, but she doesn't know what to call it. She was pretty mad at him, but then out of the blue, forgave him, but she's still mad." I sigh, I don't even know what I'm saying right now. That was all over the place.

My mother smiles and sighs, "Feelings are tough, hun. I would tell your friend not to overthink it. If she even slightly feels like she loves him, she probably does. And for the forgiveness part, forgive him. Your father and I had an argument after your brother passed away, and then we held grudges and split up. Now that we've had time to think, we've seen how dumb we were. I would forgive him because you don't find people like Jackson very often."

She's right.

So, I guess this is it.

I do love him.

To be continued...
sorry this chapter is lazily written.

i'm just so tired.

next chapter is gonna be so juicyyyyyeheysjehsnsh

hope you guys like the new cover, like, i think it's pretty hot.

also follow me.

and happy fourth of july!!!

pub: 7/6/21

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