chapter 2: ruthless

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I followed Jackson into the second dining room to see a small table full of food

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I followed Jackson into the second dining room to see a small table full of food. Jackson handed me a plate and gestured towards the food.

I didn't really feel like eating, so I just put a little bit of salad on my plate, and I pushed it side to side with my fork.

The silence of the room is eating me alive. Why wasn't he talking? Am I supposed to start the conversation? I'm not good at starting conversations. Hell, I'm not good with talking in general.

A couple more minutes of silence pass, and I put my fork down, "Are you always quiet during dinners like these?"

"No," he says.

"Well... why aren't you talking?" I ask, slightly pissed.

"Because usually I'm a part of the meeting. I'm not usually babysitting," he says, annoyed.

"Babysitting!?" I yell, a little too loud.

"Lower your voice when you're speaking to me," he says in a demanding tone.

I roll my eyes and go back to moving my salad around my plate.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, and you should eat," he says.

I shift my eyes from my plate to him, "so all of a sudden you want to talk?"

"Yeah, is there a problem?" he asks, "stop being childish and eat."

I roll my eyes and look away.

"Listen- Scarlet, do as I say and this night will be easy," he grits through his teeth.

I get up from my seat, "you want me to do what you say?"

"Yes," he says.

"Forget it, asshole." I'm usually not this short tempered but something about the tenseness of the room made me snap.

I walk towards the door and exit the house. That man might be hot, but he's an ass. I'm huge on first impressions, and his was terrible.

As soon as I get to the end of their driveway, I look around to see which way I'm supposed to go if I want to go home. I'm terrible at remembering roads, so I take out my phone and start finding the route to my apartment.

"What do you think you're doing?" I hear that asshole's voice say.

I turn around to face him, "Walking home? What do you think i'm doing?"

"You're telling me that you're willing to walk about an hour to get home?" he asks as if I was oblivious to the fact that my apartment complex was an hour of a walk away.

"Yes, Mr. Vanderbilt, I'm walking home," I say in a bratty tone.

His lips twitch, but he stays quiet.

"If you're done interrogating me I should get going," I say as I turn away from him and start waking home.

Jackson grabs my arm and pulls me back, "you're crazy if you think I'm going to let you walk home."

I roll my eyes, "guess I'm crazy."

"Stop. Rolling. Your. Eyes," he grits.

"Then stop saying and doing shit that makes me want to roll my eyes," I say, unintentionally rolling my eyes.

He takes a deep breath and mumbles some incoherent.

After moments of silence, he finally speaks, "get in the car."

"No," I say.

"Scarlet, I'm not going to ask twice," he says, his voice was now a lot more demanding.

I turn away and start walking away.

I can hear Jackson's footsteps behind me, so I turn around.

"What's your problem?" I ask.

He didn't say anything. He just walked closer to me.

Before I know it, Jackson grabs my arm, and drags me back to his car.

"What the fuck?!" I yell.

"Watch your mouth," he says calmly, "Like I said, I'm not letting you walk home- it's dangerous."

Jackson opens the car door, and puts in the passenger seat. He takes the seatbelt and puts it on me as if I'm incapable of doing it myself. Then he walks around the car to the driver's seat and gets in. He starts the car, and I let out a deep audible sigh.

"If you had just listened it wouldn't have been this hard," he said, while looking at the road, "where do you want to eat?"

"Nowhere, I want to go home," I say while looking outside.

"You're not skipping dinner," he says in his demanding tone.

"Why do you care?" I ask.

He pauses, and I turn around and look towards him. He shuts his eyes for a second then looks back at me.

"I don't," he says, "if my dad found out that I let you leave without eating, he'd be angry."

Ouch- I mean did I really believe that he cared?

"I won't say a word just take me home," I don't want to be near him.

We don't say anything else. Finally, after a long silent drive, we got to my apartment.

Jackson parks his car, and I quickly get out. Without saying anything, I ran to my apartment, which was thankfully on the lowest level.

When I get to my door, I see a huge metal lock on the door and a piece of paper on the door that said I was kicked out because I hadn't paid my rent for the past 2 months.

"What the fuck?" I mumble as I read the letter again.

Not only that, but I can't get my things until tomorrow morning-

To be continued

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