chapter 21: vanillaless

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Their scents were so strong as they fought against each other

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Their scents were so strong as they fought against each other. Hell. I sigh as I look around at the table. We all put our food down on our plates and begin eating.

"So Christopher, how's school going for you," My mother asks, breaking the unbearable silence.

Christopher clears his throat, "Great, but I do miss my helper." Christopher looks at me and smiles. I smile back of course.

I can feel the heat Jackson's body begins to radiate - all out of anger. His hand goes to my thigh and he squeezes down on it tightly. I tense up and look down at his hand which has its veins flexing hard. His intricate tattoos made the sight so much more hot. Fuck.

"I'm sure Carly misses being there too, don't you sweetheart?" my mother asks. You're making this hard on me mother!

I smile, "Yeah, I-I do."

Jackson's hand tightens. Christopher looks at me and smiles. Then, he looks down at Jackson's hand and his smile fades. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Scarlet was, and I'm pretty sure still is, and amazing and helpful person. You remember homecoming night?" Christopher asks.

Senior year homecoming- fuck. That night was something. We were running a game stall together. When closing time came, and when we were hidden in a closed stall with curtains covering us, we almost had a moment. I don't think or talk much about it. Maybe because I almost had something, but lost it as soon as it came to me. I would never talk about that with anyone.

"Y-yeah," I stutter, "I had fun working the stall that night."

Christopher smiles again, "You were great and so helpful."

The rest of dinner had the same mind-fucking question from my mother. Did she just not feel the heavy air? The questions finally took a halt when my mother got up to get us all ice cream.

I look over at Jackson, "Take you hand off." My voice is a whisper.

"Tell him to back off," He answers back.

I sigh. Is Jackson crazy or just really overprotective? My mother comes back with a tray. She sets the vanilla ice cream in front of everyone.

"Vanilla ice cream is the only vanilla thing I like," Jackson says. I partly choke on my ice cream as the innuendo flies.

"Yeah, the same goes for Carly, she can't stand anything else that's vanilla," my mother adds innocently.

"I found that out," Jackson says smirking at me. I stomp on his foot. Wasn't he angry just a second ago Jackson doesn't flinch at the stomp, so I sigh and continue eating my ice cream, which quote 'is the only vanilla thing can stand.'

As we all finish our ice cream, the time for Christopher to go arrives. We all walk him to the door.

"Thanks for having me over, Mrs. Thompson," Christopher smiles.

"Anytime, hun," She says giving him a hug.

My turn is next to get a goodbye.

"Scarlet," Christopher starts, "it was a pleasure to see you again, I hope we cross paths once again." He pulls me into a hug that lasts a lot longer than a student-teacher hug should.

I pull away, "I- I hope so too." What else was I supposed to say? 'No my boyfriend doesn't like you?

"Mr. Vanderbilt," Christopher nods. Jackson nods back. I look over at Jackson and he looks sad... not angry but sad. Like a little puppy who was just derived of his favorite toy.

Christopher walks out and mom and I look over at Jackson.

"I'm going to bed," He says looking down, "I don't feel so well."

Oh no.

To be continued...

:( sad jackson isn't as great as mad jackson.

didn't think i'd hit u with two chapters, did u?



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