Chapter 11

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THE TIME WAS FIVE minutes before 12 NN, so Avery put her cell phone into silent mode. David had been calling to check on her daily as he ate his lunch. She remembered how he'd exerted so much effort to make her feel loved and special every day. Her day started with his wake-up call, reminding her to eat breakfast before going to work. Then, he sent messages between breaks to ask how her day was going. Finally, he video-called her at lunchtime while devouring his lunch in the penthouse dining.

Her stomach growling made Avery realize it had been an hour since she expected David to come inside the suite and call her. But she didn't hear any sound from outside. She wondered if he'd maybe eaten lunch out. She checked her phone to see if she had missed any messages or calls from him—no text or call.

Confused and her angry intestines gurgling, she sent David a message.

Ave: Are you done with lunch?

Five minutes passed, and her message was still unread. She wondered how busy David must be that he could not even check his phone. Checking over her call logs, it surprised her he hadn't called or even shot her a message since morning. Something seemed odd. David hadn't missed a day sending her a message or calling her since the HQ transferred him out of state.

She debated whether to call his phone or call his office phone. He might get an idea if she called the office. After a deep breath, her fingers pushed the call button for his number. Several rings and her call got transferred to voicemail.

She assumed he must be swamped with work. She'd have to reschedule her surprise after office hours.

Avery discreetly went downstairs, aiming for the small coffee shop she saw across the building when she descended from the cab this morning. Her stomach badly needed a refill. Especially now that her plan A had failed. As if on cue, the moment she sat in a hidden booth in the cafe, her phone rang.

"Hey, Avery! You may be so horny right now, but you could have at least sent me a message that you have arrived safely!" Shelly yelled at the top of her lungs.

Avery chuckled. "I'm sorry I forgot to send you a message. Thanks for your concern, Mom!"

"I called after giving you two hours, tops. Your quickie lunch is now over since David has to return to work." Shelly was giggling at the other line. "Tell me, are you still in bed? For sure, David was late after the lunch break."

"I'm sorry to disappoint. But, unfortunately, David hasn't come to the penthouse yet." A long sigh followed Avery's declaration.

"What the freaking hell! Doesn't he know yet that you're there?"

"You got it right! He surprised me instead!"

"What a busy man, huh? Didn't you tell him when he called you during his break?" Shelly's voice echoed in her ears.

"That's the thing. I didn't get a call or even a message from him today. So I sent a message asking about lunch." She took out her phone from her bag and checked the message she had sent David from the bedroom. "It's still unread."

"Don't be a Debbie Downer. I'm sure he has a reason. He better have!"

"I'm just worried. Maybe I should have called to tell him I'm coming today."

"Well, it's not the time for regrets now, Ave. Even if he is busy now, he will come up tonight, however late it is. He will still sleep; I'm sure of that!" Avery laughed at the annoyance she heard in Shelly's voice.

"You are right, Shells! But we forgot to prepare a Plan B..." Avery's voice croaked. Her body stiffened. The once piercing, burning, and choking sensation she felt in her chest was back. But unfortunately, it was too late for her to avoid the scene that was playing in front of her. So she sat in that hidden space on the right side of the cafe. Her reason was to hide from people and occupy a seat facing the parking lot.

"We should make your Plan B now. I suggest you take a bath before the end of office hours. Change your lingerie..." Before Shelly could finish, Avery stopped her.

"I think that will be the least of my problems now. I'll have to call you back. Bye!" Her hands shaking and her chest beating fast, she aimed her cell phone toward the parking lot. She had an unobstructed view between the half-open blinds covering the glass wall that separated her from the outside, and she pressed the record button on her phone.

She told herself she could do this.

The moment she pressed the record button, it felt like she was in a trance, hypnotized by the scenes unfolding. Suddenly the big cafe caged her body in a box-like atmosphere. Avery couldn't breathe. She couldn't feel anything, numbness occupying all of her. It was like all her senses had shut down except her sense of sight. So she glued her eyes to the scenes she thought only happened in the movies.

Except this was real life. And it was Avery's life.

Once the scene ended, she typed a message for David. Her hands may have stopped shaking, but her tears just started falling. She didn't bother checking the time. The rapidly typed sentences mirrored her combined anger, hate, and self-pity.


Even without him replying, Avery was sure David got her message. He looked over his cell phone several times and immediately scanned the area. He took a deep breath and exhaled. Then he placed his phone back in his pants pocket, and to Avery's surprise, he got inside a car and drove away.

She wanted very much to confront him. But her mind overpowered her heart. Her best friend's never-ending reminders played back in her ears.

"Play dumb to outsmart him."

"The more receipts you get, the better."

She wrapped her arms around herself. Her body badly needed a hug of comfort. But she cringed as her shoulders slumped. Her silent tears turned into soft sobs. Sobs she tried so hard to control.

She told herself that the bastard didn't deserve her tears.

The locator app had a purpose. 

She knew she shouldn't ignore her instincts.

Remembering the locator app she downloaded on David's cellphone gave her an idea. She opened the app on her phone and confirmed the request. Then her fingers started tapping on the table. Mentally, she was counting the seconds when her phone chimed.



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