Chapter 55

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DAVID WAS STILL THINKING about everything Shelly had said when he received Art's message. He had to read it several times to believe he'd correctly read it. Then, he recollected how shitty his day had been.

It had started with excitement, learning Avery had given birth. First, he'd rushed to the hospital to behold both mother and son soon. Then, realizing he wouldn't get the chance to see the mother of his child, he settled for a glimpse of his baby, hoping to hold him. But seeing the name had made him flip.

When Avery had agreed to see and talk to him, he'd seen it as an opportunity. But the opportunity had turned into a disaster. Avery was firm and bold. He couldn't persuade her. But he'd felt behind the firmness and boldness when he broke down. Avery was still the kind and caring woman he knew. The same Ave he'd fallen in love with. And it tripled the pain he was feeling due to his broken heart.

He'd left the hospital unable to hold his son. The child had his blood but not his name. He'd resorted to meeting Ethan, the arrogant prick in his life. His demand and threat didn't sway the guy. It irked him more. Seeing the man who now owned the heart of the woman he once had calmed and unchanged was dreadful. Hearing the truth he uttered was like a knife cutting his wrongdoings.

Before, his fear was only losing Avery. But after seeing the baby from behind the glass window, he felt his son was so near yet so far. Finally, he realized losing Avery and the baby was like losing his life. He just wanted to drink all his sorrows and regrets. Then there was Art and Shelly. The two people he looked up to. After everything, David hoped his and Avery's story would be saved, like their two best friends.

In the back of his mind, David knew Art was different. Art had learned his lesson the first time, but he hadn't. Everything was coming back at him. In ways he never thought. In unexplainable pain he never knew existed. So he could only ask himself: was it time to throw in the towel?


Art's presence lightened the drive to Ethan's house. David was surprised to see Art waiting for him outside his hotel. Sending Art in Ethan's car with his driver was an olive branch. As expected, his best friend was sweet-talking him on their way. Little did he know David was a ball of nerves. He kept on telling himself he was coming for the baby. When they arrived, Shelly greeted them by the door. She warned David not to jeopardize his chance of holding his baby for the first time. They led him toward a room with the name Nathaniel Thomas intricately written. Upon entering the door, his heart stopped.

With his back facing them, Ethan slowly danced and hummed while cradling the baby. Shelly saw David pause outside the door, his eyes fixated on the man inside. She squeezed David's hand, reminding him to calm himself. After a few seconds, Shelly coughed softly to get Ethan's attention. 

Ethan slowly turned around to face them. He smiled at them and pointed at the baby. "He's still awake, but I don't want to interrupt Ave's sleep. That's why I came here when I saw on the baby monitor that he was awake."

Shelly nodded and motioned for Ethan to acknowledge David. When he looked at David, he nodded at him. "Do you want to hold him now?" He pointed at the side of the door. "There's a hand sanitizer by the door for you guys. If you would want to take turns holding the baby."

Art shook his head and grasped Shelly's hand. "We'll leave you guys. I want my wife to drink with me at the minibar." 

Immediately, the couple left without waiting for either man to answer. 

David was speechless. Ethan took the lead and pointed the sanitizer at David after he gestured for him to sit on the reclined lazy boy.

"It's best if you remove your top. Skin-to-skin touch is strongly suggested since it's your first time holding him. For him to feel you," Ethan explained.

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