Chapter 50

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AVERY NODDED WITH HER mouth open. What Ethan said made her realize David had someone watching her. In her heart, she was confident whatever the man in her past had broken had been put back together by the man in front of her. Though Avery wouldn't want to give David the time of day, she knew it wasn't possible. Meeting him was one reality she could never turn away from.

Ethan cupped her face and made her look into his eyes. "I know I was very vocal in saying I don't want David in our lives." He cleared his throat. "Heck, I don't want him to be near you ever." He chuckled. "But putting myself in his shoes, I would surely want to see my child too." Ethan's loud sigh followed. "Though he had done shitty things and hurt you... he should see the baby. Our baby is his baby, too."

Slowly, Avery removed Ethan's hands from her face. She squeezed it and softly placed small kisses on his knuckles. "I still can't believe that you are mine. Sometimes I pinched myself alone to ensure you and I were together." After kissing each knuckle, she enclosed his hands inside hers. She lifted her head and looked toward Ethan standing in front of her. "Little bean may have David's blood, but in my heart, you are his father, and he will grow up loving you just the way you are."

"In my heart and soul, he is my son. We are a family." Ethan twitched his face and laughed as he remembered something. "Do you know how I keep calm around Boston's Best?" Avery pouted, seeing Ethan's expression. He was grinning as if he were about to reveal a great secret. "I always remind myself that I should thank him for being a shitty head and doing me a favor by driving you toward me!"

"Ethan!" Avery playfully slapped his arm.

"Ouch, my love!" He massaged his arm, pretending to be in pain. "Remind me not to have Shelly around you when she scolds Art like they were in the principal's office! You're getting her domineering tricks!"

Their eyes locked as they remembered the scene of Shelly hitting Art in front of an audience. It reminded them of how Art acted like a student reprimanded by a teacher.


Two days later, Doctor Stella gave Avery and the baby the clearance to go home. But before they got discharged, Avery and Ethan agreed for David to come and visit while the baby was still in the nursery. So they would not need to talk to him yet.

"Don't worry too much. David can't touch the baby from the glass. He wouldn't be stupid to take the baby and run away." Ethan tried to calm Avery, who was pacing inside her hospital room. He guided her toward the couch and gently formed circles on her shoulders once seated.

Avery took a deep breath. "I'm just worried. You know how crazy he is. Seeing the baby will make him crazier for sure."

"Of course, he will get crazy! But that's expected, my love. Besides, who wouldn't go crazy seeing how cute little Bean is?" Ethan smiled as he tried to calm her.

Avery faced her side to see Ethan's smile. "By the way, Shelly insisted we choose a date for the wedding. She needs to fix her schedule at least a month in advance. So she wanted to ensure she gets days off for a week."

"Haven't you told her about our little secret, Mrs. James?" Ethan's lips curved a half-smile.

Avery slowly shook her head. "I don't want to burst her bubble. She's been planning my bridal shower for so long. This will be her second time planning for me. But if you ask me, I'd rather we make it small, intimate. And it's not like we need it right now."

"I suggest you tell her as soon as possible before she discovers it herself. Her irritation toward Art preoccupied her. That's why she hadn't noticed your ring finger. I'm sure all hell will break loose once she finds out." Ethan smirked.

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