Chapter 40

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UNTIL HIS INTENTIONS ARE clear, until he's committed, there's no relationship.

Shelly's words kept echoing in Avery's ears. Their ride back was quiet as Avery tried to remember what had transpired in her conversation with Ethan. Shelly was observing her from the rearview mirror. 

She wasn't even sure if Ethan wanted a romantic relationship with her. She shook her head, took a deep breath, and sighed.

"That's it, Ave! Enough with your long breathing and loud sighing." Shelly faced her from the front passenger seat. "What did you guys talk about when we left the room?" Her voice was terrifying.

"Sweetheart, you almost gave me a heart attack!" Art said.

"Nothing. Nothing happened." Avery glanced at her best friend, closed her eyes, and leaned back in her seat.

"You know you can never lie to me. So what's with him touching your hair? Holding your hand? And kissing your forehead? That didn't seem like nothing to me."

"Ethan got moves. I think he got it bad on you, Ave," Art butted in.

Avery slowly opened the window to her side. Her eyes were focused on the throng of lights brightening the road at night. She sighed when she gazed up at the sky and saw the stars. "He said he feels it."

"What does he feel?" Shelly scrunched up her face. "Triple OMG Ave! This conversation is slower than a turtle."

"Our connection. Ethan said he feels a special and intense connection whenever we're around. That I captivated him and Ella." Avery glanced at Shelly and massaged her forehead. " I want to close my eyes right now. We should discuss this at home."

Shelly tapped Art's arm. "Hon, I think you're driving too slow."

"What?" Art checked the speedometer and shook his head. "No, Hon, I'm not." Shelly glared at her husband, exasperated. She looked at Avery from the rearview mirror. "You know what, Ave? I'm having a sleepover in your room tonight. We will analyze together what Ethan said word by word."

Art gawked at his wife, defenseless and begging. "What about me, Hon? I need you beside me!"


"So you're telling me Ethan said you both can't deny that something is happening between you guys?" Shelly's voice was loud, her eyes wide.

The best friends were both lying in Avery's bed. They were capping the night with face masks and "catch-up time," as Shelly called it.

"Yep, that's what he said. He told me he hadn't felt that way since Patty died."

"Patty?" Shelly tried moving her body to face Avery. "I assume Ella's mom, the woman in the video?"

Avery nodded. "She died giving birth to Ella. Ethan was clueless that she was sick." Avery's voice was thick.

"Ethan annoys me with his bossy vibe, you know." Shelly tapped her hand. "But I give it to him for raising Ella alone after his wife's death. He even made something of himself at a young age. So it made sense why Ste shifted from DERMA to Obstetrics then." Shelly sounded like she was beginning to approve of him.

Avery cleared her throat. "As I watched them, it gave me a glimpse of my future. Ethan and Ella could be me and little Bean, you know? Just that David is alive and can be a present father if given a chance," she mumbled.

Immediately, Shelly removed her mask and faced Avery. "Except that dickhead is considered a living dead!"

Avery chuckled. "You know your ideas are out of this world, Shells! So why are you in my bed and not in the guest room with your husband?"

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