T H I R T Y - F O U R

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As soon as Jaren and I were in view of everyone we were greeted with whoops, awws, and wolf-whistles. Jaren rolled his eyes and chuckled as I flipped everyone off. At the bottom of the stairs stands John, and once Smii7y and I have reached the bottom he loops his arm through my free one and takes me to stand with him. I laugh and look back to the stairs to see a pouting Jaren only making me laugh more.

"He just stole your girl!" Anthony yells out causing the group to laugh.

"John, if you don't give her back, I'm gonna have to kiss you." Jaren says with a straight face.

"Come do it daddy." John replies back making a slurping sound causing him and Jaren to start giggling.

"Alright, this is getting weird, let's go " Tyler interrupts going to the door. We follow and then soon we are all outside, dressed very fancy, and looking clueless.

"So what's the seating order?" Kelly asks, "Cause we won't all fit in the same car."

"I can sit on Smii7y's lap." John butts in walking next to Jaren, who in return wraps his arm around John's waist. I laugh so hard I need to lean onto Anthony to stand upright.

"As much as I'd love to see that. I think we'll just do it like we did for mini golf." Tyler announces. We all either verbally agree or we hum in agreement. With that we split off into the two cars.  Anthony drove his car, John sat shotgun, and Jaren and I sat in the back. It was a bit of a drive, but it was very entertaining in our car, with us yelling out the lyrics to songs on the radio, mispronouncing street names, making fun of each other, John occasionally turning back to wack me or Jaren when he saw a buggy, and plenty of jokes roasting the people in the other car. We parked the car and got out, leaning against it as we waited for the others to get out of their car and walk towards us.

"You know, there's a parking spot literally two spaces away." I tell Tyler as everyone gets to us.

"YoU kNoW tHeRe'S a PaRkInG sPoT- shut up." Tyler mimics and yells at me which makes us all laugh. Then we all start walking towards the restaurant, Tyler and Kelly leading the way while John, Jaren, and I are walking in the back, all next to each other on the three person sidewalk. As we're walking I occasionally put my arms out to keep me balanced since I was not skilled enough to walk in heels.

"Whoops." John says before pushing me into Jaren.

"John!" I squeal before I bump into Jaren, who looses his footing for a second before wrapping his arms around me so I don't fall.

"Hey, you bumped into me." John sassily says with a smile before walking forward. Jaren moves his arms so that one was wrapped around my waist and chuckles before speaking.

"You know, I don't mind." He squeezes my waist and pulls me a bit closer as I blush and look down. We continue walking as the group makes jokes about Jaren and I causing us to blush and roll our eyes. We stepped into the restaurant and we're taken to our table. Before I went to sit next to Anthony, who was sitting at the end of the table on the right side, Jaren walked in front of me to pull my chair out for me. Before he could John practically ran to pull my chair out for me. I give him a questioning look before sitting down and continuing to look at him.

"Hey, you might be the future boyfriend, but I'm still her number one boy." John says looking at Jaren before going to his seat on the right of Anthony, in front of me. (A/N: Before y'all say anything, no, John is not being a jealous boy because he wants to date you, he just loves knowing he's your #1 boy) Jaren's eyebrows furrow as he's smiling before chuckling and sitting down on my left. Anthony was sitting at the end of the table on the right with John on his right. On John's right was Tyler, then Kelly, then Mini. Across from Mini was Scotty, next to Scott was Chrissy, then Jaren, then me who was next to Anthony. (A/N: I hope that was everyone, I don't remember.)

"What do you mean future boyfriend?" Anthony asks putting emphasis on 'future'.

"We have an agreement." Jaren says, slipping his hand into mine under the table.

"Like, fuck buddies?" Tyler butts in.

"No, that's Smitt and John. We agreed that we'll officially be a couple when we are both in the same area at the same time." I tell him.

"AKA, when all three of us move in together in Canada." John says reaching his arms out for Jaren and I each to grab a hand. We grab John's hand and all three of us start squealing at the same time causing the table to giggle. After that conversation, we all settled down in our chairs starting little conversations until our server, a brunette girl most likely in her twenties, came handing us our menu's.

"Hello, my name is Julia and I will be your server for tonight. Could I start you guys with some drinks?" She asks pulling out a notepad and a pen all with a smile on her face. All of us returned her smile and ordered our drinks with all of us saying 'thank you' after we told her what we wanted. She left and told us she'd be right back, we passed the time by talking about new games, making jokes about other youtubers, and the occasional story of either a drunk Anthony, or a drunk Tyler. Julia came back with our drinks and handed them out to us.

"So what would you like to order?" She questions when she finished giving us our beverages. Everyone ordered something and I skimmed over the menu, not knowing what's good or not.

"And for you?" Julia asks me. I look up at her, already feeling embarrassed and anxious about asking her for more time to look over the menu when across the table Kelly raises her hand.

"Just get her the same thing I'm getting." She says smiling at me. I smile back and turn back to our waitress handing her the menu with a smile. After writing down that she needs two of whatever Kelly got she takes the menu from me and I thank her.

"Thank you!" I yell across the table to Kelly, who laughs and yells back "You're welcome!" Our table falls silent for a bit before John decides to speak.

"So would any of you guys get pegged?"

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