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My alarm rang at 6 and I immediately jumped out of bed. My smile forming on my face as I remember I'm going to see some of the boys today. I quickly put on a pair of grey sweatpants and my Damb hoodie. I went to my kitchen and heated up some eggo waffles. As they were heating up I double checked my bags making sure I have everything. I then put my suitcase and backpack by my front door. I sat down and ate my waffles then started walking towards my office to check one last time. I opened my monitor to see I'm at 998,854. A smile forms on my face as I turn off my monitor. I go to my suitcase and take out my toothbrush, that I had already packed, forgetting I had to brush my teeth in the morning. I go to my bathroom, brush my teeth, put my toothbrush back in the suitcase, then I get a knock at my door. I look through the peephole this time to make sure it's John. It is so I open the door.

"Hurry up bro." John says as he walks into my apartment.

"I'm going I just need to get my shoes." I say grabbing my tennis shoes.

"Oh we usually have a fancy dinner over there so I recommend taking a nice outfit and nice shoes."

"You couldn't tell me this while I was packing."

"Well I'm sure you packed a nice outfit just in case. Just grab some fancy shoes." He then walks into my room, coming out with black heels and my phone charger.

"I legit told myself to make sure I don't forget that" I grab my charger, "and I'm clumsy as shit. I'm gonna fall."

"Then your definitely taking these."


"Because then you have a reason to hold onto Jaren the whole night, and I get to see you fall." I roll my eyes and put the heels in my suitcase.

"Let's go we're gonna be late." I put on my backpack and go to grab my suitcase but John grabs it for me.

"I'm very much a gentleman so I'll take that." He then starts walking. I smile and walk out of my door, turning around to lock it with my key. Once we get to the front of my apartment complex I don't see Johns car, but a different one takes its place in front of the building.

"Where's your car?"

"We're not taking my car, I don't want to leave it at the airport."

"Oh, so we're taking a Uber?"

"Not exactly." Then John goes to the trunk of the car and puts my suitcase in. He smiles at me before opening the passenger side door showing me the driver. In the front seat, is Jay.

"Hey (Y/N). You look pretty." Jay says with a smile and wave.

"Hey Jay. Thanks." I reply as I go to the backseat of the car. John gets in the front and just smiles at me as I roll my eyes. The hour was spent with talking and laughing. Once we arrived Jay got out of the car to give John and I a hug. Before we left he told me that we should hang out and collaborate more so I agreed. Me and John were early so we just made jokes for awhile and then our flight was being boarded. I texted Kelly that we were heading to Tennessee and I texted Jaren saying I was gonna record so he can't text me for a bit. He replied saying ok and that he was gonna do a commentary.
(A/N): I have never been on a airplane so just bear with me.

Me and John boarded the plane. I got the window seat and John was on the isle. As we were taking lift off I got scared because of everything moving so I grabbed John's hand, he seemed to understand so he squeezed my hand and made a goofy face which always seemed to calm me down. Once we were flying smoothly I let go of John's hand and we spent an hour or two talking but then John fell asleep. I looked out the window but then ended up also falling asleep. John woke me up saying that we landed and that we had to go. I nodded and grabbed my stuff. We got off the plane and made it to the airport. As we got our luggage John pulled out his phone calling Tyler and I called Kelly.

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