T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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We walked outside to see that the sun has already set, darkness taking over the sky. John was already at the box of fireworks grabbing a few he wants to light. I can feel the excitement radiating off of him from where I stand on the porch. I cuddle into the giant sweatshirt and turn to my left to see Chrissy and Kelly cuddled together underneath a blanket. I turn back towards Jaren, who's standing behind me, to see he's already looking at me. He blushes and looks away as I turn around and walk to the railing to lean on. I see the other boys with John as they grab some fireworks they want to light. John ended up taking the lighter from Tyler and lighting a firework. He laughed as he held it up and it started shooting. I looked up to see the firework burst in the sky with a loud pop. I jump from the loud noise. It's been a few years since I've seen fireworks, so I'm not really used to them. It looked beautiful but every time the pop sound came I would jump.

"Are you ok?" Jaren asks as he comes beside me.

"Yeah, just haven't seen fireworks in a while."

"Oh come on, it couldn't have been that long."

"I moved out of my home pretty early, I was in the city and I didn't have many friends to go watch fireworks with, then when Daniel and I met it was pretty much an order to not go out for any holiday really, and during all those years my apartment wasn't near a park or a neighborhood so I couldn't even see fireworks from my windows. So it's been awhile." Jaren stares at me after my confession.

"Well come on then." He says and grabs my hand, leading me to the boys.


"John pass me the Roman candle." He says when getting to the box of fireworks and John hands him one, "thank you. Now what your going to do is hold it right here and don't let go." Jaren gets the lighter from Scott and gives me the firework.

"Jaren, I'm gonna drop it." I tell him.

"No you won't," he came behind me, "I'll be right here." He puts the firework in my hand but his was wrapped around mine. After lighting the firework he handed the lighter to John and stretched our arms to the sky. Jaren wrapped his other arm around my waist. I turned my head away from it and let my free hand hold Jaren's that was wrapped around me. I feel my arm go back the smallest bit and then I hear the pop of the firework. I jumped then looked to see everyone looking at the colors in the sky that came out of the tube. I smile and wait for the next one. I look at it this time and start giggling when the firework explodes into color. Jaren's hands are still wrapped around me and I cuddle closer to him. He puts his head on my shoulder and I know he has a smile on his face. We stand like that until the Roman candle is done, occasionally one of us will cuddle closer to the other.

"You look good in my sweatshirt by the way." Jaren says in my ear once the firework is over. I blush and shiver from the feeling I got when he did that, then turn around in his arms, burying my face in his chest. He chuckles as he pulls me closer to him. The boys continue lighting gorgeous fireworks around us as me and Jaren hold each other and watch the colors in the sky. After a bit we grabbed the sparklers and lit them, running around with them. Anthony has been recording the fireworks and everyone's reaction to it, and he recorded me and John doing the Disney channel intro, using the sparklers as the sparkly wands. Kelly and Chrissy came down for the sparklers and we all laughed and joked as we pretended to be those Instagram people and posed with the sparklers. I heard a pop and Jaren screamed.

"Nam flashback?" John asks him as he laughs.

"What happened?" I ask laughing at Jaren's shocked face.

"John threw a popper at me." He says. (A/N: you know those things that come in a box and you throw on the ground and they pop really loud. My family calls them poppers, I don't know the actual name for them.) after that it was pretty relaxing, except for the constant boom of the fireworks. There were more fireworks used, all of them making the excitement in everyone rise up when seeing the gorgeous colors in the sky. After everything was done and we cleaned all the trash we started heading inside. It had gotten pretty late, the time being 11:00 so we chilled together in the kitchen just talking about random stuff. When the time reached 2 we all started heading upstairs to go to bed. I had gone to my room, looking at my phone until I felt tired, when I heard noise coming from the boys room.

"Dude I'm telling you, she looked amazing." I hear Jaren say. As much as I felt bad for doing it I was really curious on who he's talking about so I went to the wall that was separating my room to theirs and listened.

"Then ask her out. It's so simple." I hear John respond.

"I don't want to be led on, you already said she liked someone."

"We were talking about you, (Y/N)'s just too much of a pussy to admit it. She was wearing your sweatshirt dude."

"She wore your shirt yesterday."

"Yeah, but that was for fashion help." That's when I remembered that I was still wearing Jaren's sweatshirt. I'll just give it to him when they're not talking. Although after that the conversation consisted of just John trying to convince Jaren to ask me out and Jaren being as scared as I am. Then they talked about something else and I finally heard John say good night. I waited a bit then got up to go to their room. I softly knocked on the door and Jaren opened it, his eyebrows scrunched up because it was late and I was still awake.

"Sorry, if I'm waking you up, I just wanted to- is something wrong." I interrupted my original sentence when I saw Jaren wasn't looking at my eyes, he was looking at my face but I couldn't pinpoint where.

"You in my clothes makes me really want to kiss you." He says. My eyes widen at his bluntness and he looks back to my eyes. His cool demeanor immediately turning back to his normal teenage boy one. "Sorry I just-"

"Then why don't you?" I ask, a burst of confidence surging through me. Based off the conversation I heard from me and John, maybe he really does like me. He looks at me.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks me, his eyes showing he knew the answer he just wanted to be sure. I nodded, and with that he strides towards me, one hand came to cup my cheek as the other grabbed me by my waist. He kissed me and I kissed him back, both of us letting out the frustration of not seeing each other and not being able to do this before. Since he lunged towards me, the momentum of the movement caused me to hit the wall opposite of his door. I put my arms around his neck as my back hit the wall and we continued the passionate kiss we were so deep into. The fireworks I witnessed outside could never compare to the fireworks I'm feeling right now, as the boy I've been crushing over for so long holds me with his lips on mine. We let go, panting, as Jaren moves his hand from my cheek and now moves it to the wall next to my head, leaning on it. I look up at him as he looks down at me. A smile slowly making its way onto his face.

"Did you feel it?" He asks me.

"If you mean the fireworks, yes. If you mean something else, you're a perv." I say giggling. He chuckles a breathy laugh that makes me want to kiss him again. We stay like that for a few more seconds, neither of us wanting to move, but finally he moves his hand that was against the wall and the one that was holding my waist. He moves back and clears his throat.

"We should go to bed, you're going to get your dress tomorrow. Right?" He asks me. I nod my head yes as I move from the wall and get closer to my door.

"Good night." I tell him, opening my door.

"Good night." He replies and we both go into the rooms. I lean against my door after closing it and smile. As I'm walking to put my phone on the charger I hear John's voice.

"As happy as I am for you two, learn to close a damn door I didn't need to witness that." He says and I can hear Jaren laugh. I giggle and finally go to bed.

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