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It's been two weeks since my little midnight interaction with a local gang member that broke into my third floor apartment and if it wasn't for the broken glass of my balcony door, the destroyed porcelain plate next to my couch and the stupid apple on the floor, I could have sworn I dreamt the entire thing.

But no, all of those pieces made it evident that the encounter actually happened and it hadn't just been a weird dream.

Although I definitely wished it had been.

I couldn't get any more sleep that night after what had happened and sat on the floor in my kitchen next to the oven for hours on end after he left.

And instead of calling the police immediately or after waiting for a minute like he suggested, my dumbass didn't call the cops at all.

There wasn't even an excuse or an explanation for not calling them. I actually planned to right after, but I never ended up following through with my intention.

I simply cleaned up the evidence on the next morning and called somebody to fix both my shattered balcony glass door and my broken front door.

It's been two weeks and all I can think about are those kind brown eyes and the three lettered tattoo on his neck. Those didn't seem to match at all.

In the moment when everything went down my mind went blank, but now, after having time to think, questions over questions filled up my brain.

Who was he? Why was he in my apartment? Who or what was a 'Lix? Who were those two people he fought with? And why did he fight with them?

I figured by his tattoo he was a member of the gang Stray Kids. Which meant he had to be more than just dangerous. They were known to be ruthless and savage, scary and heartless.

Not kind and protective with soft brown eyes and deep melodic voices...

"So you're saying he had the tattoo?" My best friend Sana asked, tearing me out of my daydream. I nodded and thought back to when I saw the black letters on his neck.

"And he didn't kill you? That's rare." She joked sarcastically and nudged my elbow. I grimaced and rolled my eyes at her comment.

"No but in all seriousness: If your hot protective burglar really had the logo of the famous gang tattooed on him, he doesn't just belong to them, he has to be pretty high up in their hierarchy."

I gave her a confused look and she continued, lowering her voice as if she was afraid somebody else could overhear us talking in my bedroom.

"I heard only the inner circle of about eight people have those. Like the most important ones of the gang... Anyways, just be glad nothing happened to you and try to forget it. Imagine getting tangled up in that world..." She stared into the distance and fell silent.

"You know what, you're right! I'm never gonna see him again anyway! Not that I would even want to anyways..."

She looked at me knowing that I still couldn't stop thinking about him no matter how hard I tried.

"Be careful, Y/N. I wouldn't want you to get hurt and that guy seems more than just capeable of hurting your feelings." Sana warned when she hugged me goodbye and I gave her a reassuring smile, not really convincing her nor myself.

That night was the first night in those two weeks when I was able to fall asleep again. I dreamt the same dream I had been dreaming for the last fourteen days.

Kind eyes and flying apples...

That was until I got woken up by the sound of a faint knocking on my new repaired balcony door.

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