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At approximately 5am the next day, a loud knock on my door woke me up. The door was opened just a crack. I pushed myself up onto my elbows, eyes still closed shut.

"Good morning Y/N", Jeongin chirped. 

Morning my ass. It was the middle of the night.

"Minho expects us downstairs for training in about 7 minutes". My eyes shot open. 

Running down the stairs to the training room, already 2 minutes late, I arrived without having breakfast or actually feeling awake. 

Minho looked at me in disgust. I didn't have the time to brush my hair or take a shower so I tried to put it into some sort of bun but it was falling apart already and looked more like a birds nest than a hairstyle. 

"Okay, since you've finally joined us, you're gonna be my punching bag for the day", Minho joked although I knew he was serious. Jeongin was already hitting some targets in the corner, completely focused.

"Warm up". Minho handed me a jumping rope.

He can't be serious. 

"Are you serious?,  I questioned and looked at him in disbelief. 

He didn't answer me, but the look he gave me told me to shut up and jump.

"I'd rather learn how to shoot a gun with Hyunjin", I mumbled and Minho scoffed.

"Why, are you that ready to kill someone?"

I shook my head at his absurd question. Of course not, but what's hand-to-hand combat gonna do for me in a gun fight. 

Minho threw the rope onto the ground, grabbed his pistol and put it in my hands, took a few steps away from me and opened up his arms, grinning.

"Shoot" he orders and I held my breath. The cold metal weapon lying heavy in my sweaty hands.

What the actual fuck.


"You want to learn how to shoot because you think it's easier or better or whatever, so do it".

"C'mon Y/N! I know you're mad because I chose to be your opponent and didn't let you try with that punching bag first. Let's go!", his tone urged me on to follow his order. 

My hands started shivering. He had completely lost his mind. 

"I- I won't shoot you, Minho", I whispered, shaking my head.

"I know", he replied and took a seat on the ground, still smiling to himself.

"Even if you wanted to, you couldn't do it".

He was right, even in a life or death situation, I had never held a gun before. How should I shoot somebody?

"Here's a quick lesson for guns and weapons or whatever", he put his hand out, signaling me to give him his pistol back. So I did, carefully placing it in his hands and he slid it in his holster. 

"Rule number one: make sure your use of the weapon is necessary." He held up one finger. "If you're outnumbered, weaker than your opponent or you for some other reason can't fight with your body". 

He put up another finger. "Rule number two: your goal is always to hurt, never to kill. Therefore you can't shoot organs, arteries and other important parts", he tapped his head with the two fingers he held up.

"And rule number 3", he took his pistole out again and released the safety catch, loading it up and placing his index finger on the trigger. Then he aimed at me. I gulped. 

"Always remember to unlock it first".

With that he put the pistol away once again and stood up, looking at me sternly. 

"So Y/N, why can't you shoot a gun ... yet?" he added. I quickly composed myself and thought about the rules he had just taught me.

"Because I don't know enough about the human anatomy or about guns", I concluded earning a nod from him. 

"Okay, so now I'm going to teach you about my specialty" he smiled proudly and put both of his hands into fists and raised them to be in front of his face. 

"I used to be a boxer, you know. But instead of actual rules, fist fights with gangs are dirty and unfair. That's the difference." He lunged forward and hit the air. 

"There's just a few tips I can give you, the rest is hard training and finding your own style".

"Try to keep eye contact with your opponent", his eyes bore into mine. "That way you always know what they're going to do next. It's kinda like reading their mind", he chuckled to himself. I tried to mimic him, putting my own fists in front of my face to shield it. 

"Don't let your guard down. Half of your work is protecting yourself. Left, right, up, down and behind are the ways you can go." He went in all the directions he named so quickly, my eyes were having trouble to follow his moves. 

"Be light on your feet to dodge, it's about quickness."

"Attacking is about accuracy. Be precise with your hits and put strength in them. And try to hit exactly what you want to miss with weapons. Like this", he added and kicked his leg into my unprotected stomach forcefully, knocking the wind out of me and making me stumble backwards. 

"Ah-!" I screamed and held my belly in pain. 

"No need to be dramatic, I made sure not to break anything".

The worst apology I had ever heard by far. 

The training continued with him trying to wreck me and me wincing in pain.

I couldn't tell you for how long this was going on but by the end of it I was panting and sweating uncontrollably, bruising everywhere. 

"Let's go, one more time", Minho decided, ignoring my state. 

I lunged forward and brushed his shoulder, surprising both him and myself. A weak smile on my lips, I closed my eyes for a second too long, giving into the fatigue. 

That's when his fist clashed into my face without warning and made me see stars.

"What the fuck Minho!", his voice sounded so angry and scary that I squinted one eye open to see if my ears were betraying me. 

Chan stood there, just as angry looking as he did with Johnny in the café. Minho just shrugged.

"She's one of us now, so that's how she get's treated."

The leader ran his hands through his head in frustration. 

Seungmin spoke up. "It was just a nosebleed from the impact, nothing's broken".

"Yeah, you wanted an update, didn't you?" Minho asked and Chan nodded, his brows still furrowed. "We trained for at least 4 hours without a break. When she was completely done with and her whole body was shaking in exhaustion, I demanded for another round." 

"So you went easy on her that time?" Seungmin asked and Minho slowly shook his head.

"No, I went even harder." Minho grinned. "But she was somehow still able to dodge away in the slightest way, even with her eyes closed and her body too tired to move. I would've broken her nose if she didn't".

Chan raised an eyebrow in surprise at his friends words. Impressing Minho had to be one of the hardest things on the planet. 

"So I think she's pretty good.", Minho complimented and I finally opened both of my eyes in shock. 

Was he really talking about me?

"Let's send her to Jisung next and see what he says".

You vs. My Whole Life | Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now