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The first thing I did when I had the key was lock the door from the inside. Unfortunately, it didn't make me feel any safer when I tried to sleep. My eyes just wouldn't stay closed, no matter with how much force I shut them. My brain still tried to wrap itself around everything I had experienced.

I stared on my phone screen. I had texted Sana hours ago, telling her I was safe (what a lie) and she replied that she had so much to tell me. About Felix, I guessed, who had somehow managed to get all of my stuff from hers and bring them here.

3:36 am.

Only 15% battery life left. 

I thought about the scenario of calling the police for a second. I probably won't even make it out alive, if I ratted them out. Minho would definitely be glad to finally be allowed to shoot me this time. I gulped, shaking off the thought.

That was it it. Falling asleep seemed like a hopeless task now so I decided to get up instead and explore some other parts of my prison. Although Chan had reassured me that I was safe and that he would protect me, I would be a fool to trust somebody who deceived people as a hobby.

But I figured, if they were going to harm me, they could do it, no matter if I was in my assigned room or any other area of their madhouse. 

I slowly unlocked the door and stepped out of room 19, locking the door again. The hallway was dark and silent, the coldness making me shiver slightly. My bare feet moving towards the end of the corridor carefully, walking up the staircase to reach the next floor. 

I continued to walk upstairs until I reached another metal door, pushing it open. The cold night breeze hit my face and revealed the rooftop. I took a few more steps and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath of fresh air. 

The first feeling of freedom since I had been captured. 

It only lasted a few deep breaths before somebody cleared their throat, making me jump. 

Not safe.

Definitely not free.

Great mistake to think I was for a second. 

"Y/N." Chan said, making his way towards me, the moon lighting up his figure. 

"I hope you're not up here to escape your misery, babygirl." He cocked an eyebrow, indicating towards the edge from the roof. I wrapped my hands around myself when another gust of wind hit me and shook my head. 

"I'm just kidding, you can't sleep, is it?" He looked right through me and I nodded. 

"Yeah, me neither." He admitted. 

"This is my hiding place. I come here when I can't sleep. I guess great minds think alike." He gave me a soft smile, sitting down on a bench, patting the empty spot next to him. I did what he wanted me to and walked up to him, sitting down in slow motion. 

"Maybe you should've accepted Seungmin's help." Chan admitted, looking up at the night sky. "It helps me with my insomnia sometimes." 

"Why can't you sleep?" I asked, trying to gather information. His eyes were fixed on me now.

"I never sleep when we're on a mission." He explained, meeting my confused expression and chuckling. "Everyone else is on a mission." He repeated. "I stayed back because of... well, because of you obviously. Oh and Felix is here of course." He added as if I was supposed to know any of the things he was telling me.

"What-What's the mission?" I questioned. "And what is Felix doing?" 

"Felix is doing his job. He's our hacker/technical device person and he keeps track of everyone and connects all of us, if you haven't noticed." He tapped his in-ear monitor. That explained a lot.

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