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Training with Jisung was the exact opposite of training with Minho. Time, place and everything was completely different.

Instead of early in the morning, Jisung preferred the evening. Instead of a gym in the basement, it took place in a room that mirrored 'Miroh'. Bar and dance floor. And instead of getting physical, his training consisted of talking and mental challenges.

"I find out information about other gangs for the most part" Jisung explained during my first lesson with him. "There are different ways to go about gaining new details about a subject."

"I obviously prefer the easy way" he flashed a smile at me. "Just charm them into telling you things they shouldn't".

He walked over towards the bar and started to pour himself a drink. "What would you like to drink?"

I shook my head no. "I'm good, thanks".

He made a grimace and took a sip from his cup. "That's a mistake."

"It's not about actually drinking it- well, let me explain: We go to parties on rare occasions. Not actual parties but... how do I word this" he scratched his head. "Sometimes there are 'parties' for all of the gangs in town" he mimicked quotation marks in the air. "Everyone shows up to show what they've got. It's almost like a silent battle of strength, no matter if allies or enemies."

I nodded and that made him continue.

"So these 'parties' are where I get to work. And this" he pointed at the glass in his hand "is kind of like my wingman. Alcohol's dangerous".

"And of course every group out there has someone with my job, we all know the drill. Alcohol is the biggest help we can get" he took another sip. "So if you ever end up at one of these get togethers, always have a drink in your hand - not necessarily to drink it. It doesn't just work in our favor, it's good for you too".

"How so?" I questioned.

"Part of my job to obtain information is acting. Pretending to be interested in what the other persons' saying, pretending to be innocent and sweet, you get it? And that's what you're gonna do as well. Wether you are questioning or being questioned. Acting, lying and pretending" he laughed and handed me a cup with liquor.

"I'm not as good as Felix with mixing drinks, but you could start your act by pretending you like it."

I smiled at his statement.

"There's also the hard way to get whatever you need from the interviewee".

"What does that mean?"

Jisung gulped down the rest of his drink before answering. "Well, that's when I ask Minho for support and ... what you witnessed back at 'Miroh' that night could happen."

I inhaled sharply. His words triggered the pictures in my head to reappear. The gun shot echoing.

"Oh, speaking of Minho" his voice got higher as he tried to lift the mood he just ruined. "It seems to me like you charmed him with your abilities already - which is probably more difficult than rapping in Chinese while doing a back flip" a slight smile went over my lips "so my expectations are pretty high".

I put the glass with god knows what to my lips to taste it. And after doing so, I could pinpoint a single flavor.


My entire mouth was on fire and it kept burning the back of my throat.

Jisungs shit eating grin was enough to know that it was completely on purpose. I felt like throwing up and my throat was roaring.

I wanted to do nothing more than make use of what Minho had taught me to wipe the grin off of Jisungs face.




I forced myself to give him a big smile. "Wow, Jisung" I tried my best not to cough out the words. "That's a pretty good cocktail" his grin faded and eyes widened in surprise as I swallowed the entire drink in a few more sips.

"Can I get another one?" I swear my tongue was dead. I flashed him another sweet smile.

He clapped his hands in approval and handed me a little bottle. "Drink that, you probably feel like you're on fire".

Instantly dropping the act, I grabbed the bottle and emptied it in one go. It had to have been some kind of medicine curing all of my previous symptoms.

"Before we continue, there's just one thing you need to remember always".

"It's easier to find out secrets than to keep them. You are one of us now, that means everything you'll get to know about each of us is confidential".

"With that being said, why don't you show me how you are when you spill a secret?"

"You want me to tell you a secret?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, for comparison only of course" he argued.

"What do you want me to tell you?" his eyes lit up in excitement and he grinned at me widely.

"No lying this time, ok?" he told me strictly and I put up my hand laughing "I promise."

His grin grew even wider and he cleared his throat dramatically.

"Well you know, I've been wondering... what's going on with you and Chan?"

After about a week of training with Minho and Jisung I took part in a meeting for the next mission. Jisung and I were the last to join the group after our lesson, sitting around a big round table. Chans eyes followed me when I entered and sat down next to Seungmin. 

"Like I was saying, there's gonna be another party on Saturday, so 5 days from now. Everyone will be there".

That had to be one of those that Jisung had told me about.

NCT will be there. 

I tried to swallow the knot in my throat that built at the thought of them. 

"Our main focus is on NCT. Jisung, you'll try to get some information on their next plans. Jeongin, you'll join him." Jeongin nodded at the instruction of his leader. 

"Felix, I need you to come with us this time. It's gonna be held on neutral territory, so I hope we'll be fine. If you could go with Hyunjin and support, that'd be good." Hyunjin and Felix smiled at each other in response.

"Minho, you'll stay close to Jisung and Jeongin. Just in case".

"Changbin you're gonna be responsible for our getaway. Be ready to leave whenever. Seungmin" his gaze switched to the brown haired man. "I really hope I won't need your abilities, so if you could stay back here and do some of Felixs' usual stuff..." 

"Sure" Seungmin replied.

"What about Y/N?", Jisung asked and I could feel all of their eyes on me. Chan shook his head.

"She's not ready for anything like that".

"Let's have a majority voting then," Minho suggested, already raising his hand along with his statement. "Whoever wants Y/N to join us for our next mission, put your hands up".

I looked around the table.

Jisung followed right after Minho, giving me a reassuring smile.

"She's with all of us, so I'd say she'd be safe," Felix concluded, biting his lip and holding his right hand in the air.

Even Jeongin was shyly raising his hand.

It was four against four making the voting result end in a draw. However, there was one vote yet to be casted.

My hand shook as I raised it to vote for putting myself in danger.

Minho nodded at me appreciative. "It's decided then".

Chan on the other hand looked ready to kill us all.

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