I Hate To Admit

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I subconsciously took a step back from the scene in front of me. 

The thought of him having a significant other had never once crossed my mind before. Not because I couldn't imagine him being in a committed relationship - he seemed like a great boyfriend actually. 

Handsome, kind and protective. 

Of course he had a girlfriend. 

It wasn't like I couldn't comprehend that fact.

I just didn't want to.

"Y/N!" Jisung put his hand on my shoulder, making me look up at him in surprise. His eyes scanned my expression and I could tell he felt sorry for leaving me alone. 

"Why is she here?!" Jihyos voice was getting even louder, their argument escalating. 

Trust me, I didn't want to be there any longer. In fact, I hoped that the ground would just open up and swallow me whole.

Should I speak up and apologize to her? 

Something around the lines of 'I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to take your man?' 'I didn't know about you' 'He's just a friend'

"You're right Jihyo and I'm sorry".

His voice said the words in my head out loud, my chest tightening at the realization. My fear just got confirmed. I looked at the couple in front of me with wide eyes. 

Chan looked from me to Jisung, his jaw visibly tightening. "Han Jisung, where the fuck is Minho?" Jisung gulped.

Minho suddenly appeared right behind Jisung at the call of his name, earning the same death glare from Chan as Jisung did. The angry man tapped the side of his ear once.

"We're leaving". It wasn't more than a growl that left his lips. 

The drive back to Stray Kids headquarters was awkwardly quiet. There was so much tension that nobody dared to speak up. 

Once we arrived, everyone immediately got out of the car, not being able to stand the bad mood any longer.

"Why the fuck didn't you just follow the plan?" Chan couldn't contain his anger. "Is just staying put and by her side so damn hard for you two?! Leaving her alone on purpose like a prey- are you serious?!"

Oh my god.

Minho and Jisung had left me on purpose?

"This whole thing won't fucking work if you question my decisions and undermine my authority. I'm doing this to keep all of us safe, always- if you have a problem with me being the leader you can just say so, don't sabotage our plans putting our family in danger-" 

"It's not about us doubting your position, Chan," Minho interrupted the leader carefully. "You know that we know you're the best at what you do."

"It's just that we feel like your decision making is limited when it comes to her". 

It felt like I was listening to a conversation about myself that I shouldn't be eavesdropping to. But they were the ones talking like I wasn't standing right next to them, getting scolded.

Chan raised an eyebrow at that statement. "How so?" His teeth were gritted.

"We've told you our judgement of her abilities. She's way better than expected in every single category we've tested her in so far. And she's proven herself to us today too, nailing her mission that you didn't even tell her about."

Chan took a deep breath and he looked at me. 

"Jihyo told me you talked to Taeyeong?" 

Jihyo. His girlfriend. My heart in my chest felt weird again.

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