Side Effects

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Jihyo scoffed in disbelief and I heard someone audibly gasp while Sana next to me was frozen, not even the sound of her breathing could be heard. 

"Let's talk outside," Jihyo said, already standing up and heading towards the door without waiting for an answer. It wasn't a request. It was a demand. Chan glared at her, then me. Taeyong snickered when I reluctantly made my way out of the room to follow her. 

The confidence I had to call her out was disappearing further with every single step I took. I gulped as the door fell shut behind me, not prepared for what was about to happen. Was she going to physically fight me? If so, I could plan my funeral. Not like the trick I had pulled on Chan was going to work again. 

She spun around to face me, her expression confusing me. Against all of my expectations she was smiling at me. 

"You know, I'm usually never wrong with my knowledge of human nature but you surprised me." She laughed. A genuine laugh. "So thank you for being you I guess."


I had thought she was going to stab me but here she was, complimenting my personality?

"I don't understand." And I seriously didn't. What in the world was she on about?

She laughed again, shaking her head like she was the one confused.

"Sorry I just- Thank you for standing up for Sana and being her friend." Jihyo was confusing me even more by the minute.

"Huh? But you hate Sana?" I exclaimed matter of factly, remembering the way my friend got treated before. A shadow crossed her face and her smile vanished. The hurt in her eyes gave her away. 

"I don't hate Sana. I could never hate her. She was my friend- my family after all. What you need to understand is my role in all of this. I am a leader and what Sana did was hurtful to all of us- even if she didn't intend to be." She took a deep breath. "And my job is to make the right decision for the team. No matter how much it kills me." The sincerity in her voice shocked me. 

"And I know for a fact, Chan would do the same exact thing if it was any of his people." Jihyos piercing eyes found mine. "Even if it was you." I sucked in a breath, knowing she was absolutely right. 

"But I'm human too, you know. Not a heartless monster, even if you think I am," she tried to lighten the mood, the smile not reaching her eyes. "So my feelings are most definitely still hurt from what she did since she chose you over me- over her family. Which is also why I'm here," she concluded, her statement clearing some of the question marks in my head. 

"So when Taeyong told me he wanted to form an alliance with Stray Kids, I agreed. It's hitting 2 flies with one swat. We get rid of the most dangerous man on earth and revive an alliance that shouldn't have been destroyed in the first place."

I only nodded in agreement. Her face lit up when I took the hand she extended to me and I shook it. 

"So thank you Y/N, for taking care of my friends Sana and Chan when I couldn't."

"What did Jihyo say to you?" Chan immediately asked when the meeting ended, curiosity killing him. I just shrugged my shoulders, earning a shove from his own. "C'mon she looked like she was going to end you and you willingly went with her. Yet you somehow survived, what's up with that?"

My answer was interrupted by Yeji, calling Chans name. "I need to talk to you."

"Sure, what can I do for you?" 

Yeji gave me a quick look of acknowledgement before speaking her mind. "This is the most dangerous mission all of us have ever been on. Some of us might not make it and I'm aware of that-" her voice broke off before she continued.

"I know that it's not my place nor is it the right thing to do but I can't convince him-" her voice broke off again. The plea in her tone was evident. "I'm begging you Bang Chan. I'll do anything I can but please do me the favor and get my brother of the mission." A single tear slipped and ran over her cheek, which she quickly wiped away. 

My heart broke for her. She wasn't even scared for herself, just afraid anything was going to happen to her little brother. 

Chan sighed and ruffled his hair. "Hyunjin has asked me the same thing to do for you," he murmured. 

No matter how much they fought, at the end of the day both of them still cared about  each other the most. Yejis bottom lip trembled. 

"I can't great either of you your wish, I'm sorry."

He was a leader. Just like Jihyo. It was a difficult decision to make but it was the right one. 

"But I promise you, I'll do anything I can to keep the both of you safe and fulfill the mission."

"Chan! Bro!" Changbins loud yelling was heard throughout the entire Stray Kids headquarters. "Chan!"

Changbin bursted into the room, his head red with a mix of anger and exhaustion from running up the stairs and yelling. The entire atmosphere changed instantly. Jisung and everyone else entering after him, mad expressions on every single one of them. 

"What happened?" Chan forced his voice to be calm, looking at Changbin for an explanation for the tumult. Changbin pressed the on button on the TV remote, as we focused our attention onto the screen that lit up with the news. 

"- firemen have been trying to extinguish the flames for hours now. The cause of the fire is still unknown" the voice of the reporter explained as the pictures showed up of a burning building. A chill went over me at the familiarity.

"'Miroh' is on fire."

There was a storm in Chans eyes, nobody was able to tame. But he seemingly thought I should try when his gaze met mine. 

"Call Taeyong and Jihyo. We've waited long enough. I'm ready to kill this fucker."

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