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"Thank you for being here Yeji, I appreciate it", Chan welcomed our guests. Yeji and four other girls that I assumed belonged to her gang entered our Headquarters and agreed to help us with our plan. 

"Don't mention it. I'm only here to make sure my dumbass brother doesn't get himself killed." Hyunjin scoffed in response to her remark.

"I swear to god, Chan if you dare to pair me up with that skunk looking-"

"You'll do what, huh?" Yejis eyes narrowed at her brother, silently challenging him to a starring contest, fury in both of their expressions.

"Hyunjin, I'd appreciate it if you'd be somewhat grateful that your sister is here to support us," Chan sighed loudly. 

"She started it!" Hyunjin protested and Yeji stuck out her tongue in response.

"Just be glad she feels some sort of brotherly affection or else we wouldn't even be here". One of the girls she came with stated with a deeper voice, she had bangs and her hair was covered in blonde and black streaks. "And if you'd insulted me and called me a skunk, you'd be dead on the ground, no matter who's blood related."

Jisung next to me giggled nervously and her eyes moved to him and onto me. A genuine smile appeared on her lips as she made her way towards me. 

"Y/N, right?" I just nodded, mesmerized by her. "I'm Ryujin." She grabbed my hand and I expected her to shake it, like a proper introduction. Instead she swiftly put our intertwined hands in the air and made me spin around like we were dancing. I yelped in surprise and she grinned widely. 

"No tattoo yet?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. A part of me was tempted to give her the answer I gave Taeyeong when we first met, but I just shook my head, blushing.

"You know it's not too late to join the right gang," she sent me a wink, making me blush even more. 

"Ryu, stop flirting with Chan's girl", another girl said jokingly but with a serious undertone. Her dark brown hair flowing down her shoulders. Ryujin put her middle finger to her lips mimicking the universal shh sign but not using the correct finger. The side of her middle finger was decorated with 3 letters. ZZZ. Her grin only grew further. 

"Shhhiit, sorry, Lia", she replied to the other girl, not seeming sorry at all. 

I wondered if that was their group tattoo.

"As much as I'd like to keep whatever this is going, shouldn't we make a plan?" Minho said annoyed, his words dripping with sarcasm. 

Chan assembled everyone around the table and took a deep breath. Then he told us what he had already come up with so far. 

"First of all, I will be giving out the orders for this mission. Are all of Itzy okay with that?" The other four girls' heads whipped to Yeji who nodded in approval. 

"Thank you". He gave her a quick smile, his demeanor still completely serious. "All of us will be actively joining this mission, no one is staying back on base." His eyes scanned over us, lingering over Felix and Seungmin a little longer as if to make sure they'd be fine with his decision. "Although we're 15 in total now, we're still outnumbered by NCT. They're at least 20." It sounded like an explanation. 

"Felix is making sure we're all connected through in-ear pieces. Only use them to talk when you're relaying important information. He'll show us how it works when we strike."

His gaze lingered on Yeji and Hyunjin before continuing with his speech.

"Okay everyone, listen up." He tapped onto his phone and projected a screen onto the table in front of us. A digital version of the field I stood on just a few days prior appeared.

"This is where we suspect NCT's hideout to be. According to our information it's underground. And although all of us are going to be on this battlefield, not everyone will come inside."

"Felix and Changbin will stay right in front of the entrance." He clicked on his phone twice and Changbins and Felixs' pictured appeared next to a door on the field. I've divided the rest of us into three groups. The first group," and with more clicks more faces appeared on the field underneath a headline: 1st group. It showed his face, mine, Sanas and Minhos. "... will be on the search for Johnny Suh." 

"The second group will back us up." Yeji, Hyunjins, Jisung and Ryujins faces appeared on the screen. Hyunjin scoffed loudly but didn't dare to disagree with his leaders decision. 

"The third group will back them up." Another click, another headline. The 3rd group consisted of Jeongin, Chaeryeong, Yuna and Seungmin. 

"I agree", Yeji said while Yuna shook her head in disapproval, earning a stern glance from her leader. 

"You've just put all us younger ones in the last group because you think we're incapable of fighting?! And what about Lia? You completely left her out of your stupid-"

"Yuna!" Ryujin and Yeji yelled at the same time, making her shut up but she continued to roll her eyes in annoyance. 

Chan chuckled amused. That just made him appear more dangerous.

"I wasn't finished but thank you for your opinion, Yuna." 

"Maybe one of us should stay back", red-haired Chaeryeong murmured, glaring at Yuna who stared at her friend with her mouth wide open. It seemed like she wanted to say something but she closed her mouth and stayed silent.

"If it's alright with you, I'd like for Lia to join the first group." He clicked on the screen and her picture appeared next to mine, putting Sanas in the middle right behind the two guys. Lia gulped when her name was called. 

"It seems good to have a medic in the first and the third team. That way if the second team is in need of one, whoever is closer can be sent. She'd also be able to help treat Johnnys possible injuries right away." 

"Why wouldn't you use your own doctor for that?" Ryujin asked out of curiosity, protectively putting an arm around Lias shoulder. 

A small smile tugged at the corners of Chans mouth. "Mainly because he'll be dropping bombs - literally. And I prefer the dynamics of the teams this way. And of course because," his eyes found Yuna "I trust in everyones ability to make this mission work." 

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