Cart Chase

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~Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.~ Colossians 3:2

😊✋🏽 I'm awkward! Ha—!

I might just end up doing that Naruto/soulmate AU book anyway. At least until I'm finished with the others!!😊❤️

3rd P.O.V

From the toll booth, Beard Papa snorted hurriedly when he woke up, the 'z's' above him disappearing as he looked towards the bakery and gasping.

Immediately grabbing his walkie-talkie and turning it on, he glared at the security camera screens. "This is Beard Papa. The glitches are in the Bakery! Get me King Candy."

. . . . .

"It's a good thing you found a helmet around, V." (Y/N) held up a black and (F/C), putting it on the seat of her motor bike as she started writing her name on Vanellope's cart. "And it's in my favorite color!"

Vanellope giggled, saluting playfully. "You're welcome!"

Ignoring the two, Ralph carefully finished the last letter of his name on Vanellope's cart with the red icing, smiling as he looked at his work.

"Well, what, you have teeth?! I don't think I've ever seen you smile before." Vanellope grinned as she stood the cart, leaning on (Y/N) when she walked over after placing her name on it.

Swinging the (F/C) icing in her right hand gently, (Y/N) chuckled. "I think it's a wonderful smile."

Ralph blushes and turns his head as Vanellope feigned gagging. (Y/N) looked between to the two with a smile and shrugs. "What? I think it is!"

"I'm not smiling it was..." Ralph denied, his eyes darting around. "I'm gassy, okay!"

The girls laughed at that, making his mouth turn up a bit. They jumped and turned when the sound of a gate was raised, dread filling their bodies as King Candy stomped in.

"Hold it right there, glitches! Whoo—!" He stopped when he finally noticed Ralph standing in front of the girls protectively. "And Wreck-It Ralph?"

"Uh-oh." Ralph looked at him with rounds eyes before glaring and aiming the red icing at King Candy just as (Y/N) threw hers at the taller don it cop. "Ack—!"

Taking the distraction, Ralph picked of Vanellope and placed in the cart as (Y/N) ran and jumped onto the motor bike, hurriedly putting the helmet on.

Placing her hands on the handles, she shivered and looked at herself, noticing that she and the motor bike was glitching before shaking her head and shrugging it off due to nerves.

"Start the cart!, start the cart!" He rushed from behind Vanellope as she looked at the controls nervously.


"What are you waiting for?! C'mon let's go!"

Vanellope quickly looked over at her sister and noticed that her hands were shaking slightly in anxiety before turning sheepishly to Ralph.

"I...uh... I don't know how to drive a real cart."

Ralph looked at her incredulous. "You don't... What?!" He turned to (Y/N). "You too?!"

She chuckled and rubbed her neck, uneasy as she lifted to visor on her helmet. "Uh... self taught?" She flinched a little when he groaned.

"Are you hurt, sire?" The short donut cop reached over to King Candy, helping him up as he laughed and wiped of the icing. "No, he just glazed me, heh-heh. Get them!"

"Gangway!" Ralph panicked, digging his hands into the ground and pushing Vanellope's cart froward and thought the window.

Something came over (Y/N) as she flicked the visor back down and she revved the engine of the motor bike, feeling like she'd done this before as the tires leave scorch marks in her wake through the now-broken window .

. . . . .

Looking at the bakery warily, Beard Papa walked forward. "AH—!" Immediately running back into the toll booth as Ralph and (Y/N) speed past him.

He sighed with relief as he got out and looked after them with shocked eyes before hearing sirens and screaming again as he ducked into the toll booth as King Candy and the police drove past him.

"Stop in the name of the king!" King Candy's cart was lifted a little in the air before dropping the to ground again, the police in his tail. "That's me!"

. . . . .

"Get off the road!" Vanellope shouted, Ralph looked down at her before quickly running of the main road, (Y/N) swerving after them and grunting at how close her helmet was to the ground before fixing her hold on the motor bike.

Growling at how close King Candy and donuts cops were, (Y/N) revved her engine to get next to them, pointing at the mountain in front of them. "Head for Diet Cola Mountain!"

"Drive into the wall!" (Y/N) slowed down to look behind her before looking forward again. Ralph stares at her in disbelief. "What?!"

"Right there between the two sugar-free lollipops!" Vanellope screamed over the sounds of the engines, looking up at Ralph.

"Are you crazy?!"

"Just do it!" They both shouted urgently, (Y/N) revved her engine it go even faster as Ralph screamed and blocked his face with his hands.

As soon as Vanellope's cart touched to mountain, they and (Y/N) went through it as a green grid flickered. "Oh—!" Ralph desperately held on as the cart bumped against the pillars, groaning when the cart threw him off and landing upside down.

"Ah—!" Not wanting to run into her sisters cart and possibly die (Y/N) pulled on the brakes and turned swiftly before yelling as she flew off and landed across Ralph's stomach, making him groan in pain again at the impact.

She grunted softly and looked at her fallen motor bike before looking down at Ralph with apologetic eyes from behind her helmet. "I'm sorry, are you okay?"

She only got another pained groan in reply.

. . . . .

"Where'd they go?" Kind Candy asked, looking around in frustration and shock as he lifted his goggles and looked around. " Maybe.. t-they've just turned."

He huffed and turned to the donut cops, a fierce and stern glare on his face. "Find those glitches. Destroy that cart! Destroy that bike!They can't be allowed to race!"

The donut cops shook in places and nodded their heads vigorously in fear as he growled and started up his cart, swerving away as the donuts then took to different directions.

Note: HII! we're so close to the end! sorry if this chapter was short!

To those who are waiting on a chapter for Above The Surface, it's coming okay!!😅😅❤️ but my phone is at 12% right now and it's takes at least two hours to make a full chapter for it.

Goodness gracious, Luca is definitely detailed with its graphics! It's crazy! 😭😂😂

My sisters birthday was yesterday!! She got a 1-2 month old puppy! I forgot what type she was but she's distantly related to Great Danes and dobermans!

School starts in three weeks.....ugh. But papa is putting us in a Christian academy so that's good! you guys wont be getting that much updates till then,

I'll try my best to post daily! But not everyday cuz that would make me bored!😓😅
Til next time!
Word count: 1201

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