Forgive Me?

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~God is going to give you more than you asked for~ Ephesians 3:20

Double upload! ✊🏾😌

3rd P.O.V:

"C'mon I know you're out there." Calhoun muttered bitterly, walking though the twizzlers as she shook her sensor.

She groaned and smacked it, "Saccharin saturated nightmare!" Calhoun gasped in alarm at how many reads and green dots she was getting(totally not me), looking around frantically, "but—Where—? AH!"

Calhoun quickly grabbed a hold of a twizzler vine, looking down with bated breathes as her sensor fell to the ground. She looked in horror as the light from the sensor triggered Cy-Bug eggs to glow.

Older Cy-bugs screeched and growled as as they maneuvered carefully between the spaces of the eggs as Calhoun watched in disgust.

She leered, "Doomsday and Armageddon just had a baby, and it. Is. Ugly!"

. . . . .

Felix gripped the bars of the dungeon, "Hello, hello! Somebody? Anybody? Please let me out—!"

He gasped when the bar moved, wiggling it to make sure it was loose before pulling out he hammer, "What is that? what's he say?" Felix lowers his voice to match Ralph's, "I'm gonna wreck it!"

He hits the bar with his hammer, and utterly slumps in depression when the bars thicken in width, he groans and sits down, "Why do I fix everything I touch?!"

Suddenly, Ralph bursts through the wall of Felix's jail cell as he covers his face from the debris.

Ralph smiles after the dust settled, "Felix!"

"Ralph!" Felix jumps on him in a hug, the victim holding his hands up awkwardly, "I'm so glad to see you!"

Felix snaps his eyes open in anger, "Wait, no, I'm not." He releases Ralph and hovers down, "What do you have to say for yourself?!"

Ralph goes to explain, "I—"

"Wait! I don't want to hear it," Felix cuts him off, turning his back to him, "I'm not talking to you."

Ralph nods, "Okay, don't talk. That's fine." He grabs both of the bins and dumps (Y/N)'s and Vanellope's vehicles out next to each other, "But you have to fix this go-cart and motor bike for me pronto."

Felix turns to him slowly and speaks in a sotto voice "I don't have to do boo." He closes his eyes to calm himself down, "forgive my potty mouth..."

He started to jump and wiggle in his spit as he clenched his hands, "I'm just cross with you! Do you have any idea what you've put me though?!"

Ralph looked at Felix ashamed as he small man continued, "I went Higgledy piggledy all over this creation looking for you...I almost drowned in chocolate milk mix!"

He then sighed and took off his hat as Ralph stared at him with a weird look, "and then, I met the most dynamite gal..." Felix sat on the bed with a blush on his face, "Oh, she gives me the honey glow, something awful~"

"But, she rebuffed my affections..." Felix aggressively put his hat back on before flailing his arms around, "AND THEN, I GOT THROWN IN JAIL!"

"Felix!" Ralph cautiously spoke, "Pull yourself together—"

"NNNNO!" Felix fusses, pointing at the man before turning his back on him again, "Ralph, you don't know what it's like to be rejected and treated like a criminal!"

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