A Secret Revealed

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~Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.~ Romans 15:7

Almost there! 🥰🥰🥰❤️

I took two quizzes to see if Kirishima would like me (cuz I'm a simp and would love to marry the guy) but he friend zoned me 👁💧👄💧👁 in both quizzes....we're besties apparently.

Welp, time to go simp over Kaminari—

Jk! 😂 (LIES.—hush!) I would love to be besties with Kiri!

3rd P.O.V:

(Y/N) swerved in front of Vanellope, laughing when she groaned before noticing a certain white kart and driving faster to get to King Candy, lifting up her visor.

As if in slow motion, King Candy looked to the side to see a smirking (Y/N), "WHAT?!" still smug, (Y/N) flicked her visor down as Vanellope cheekily giggled at him, both passing and driving in front of him as he fumed.

They were now driving side to side, blocking King Candy. He growled to himself before noticing a blocked road, immediately busting through the wood and warnings as he went down it. "Oh! Woah!"

Seeing this, (Y/N) furrows her eyebrows in suspicion, a bad feeling welling up in her stomach as Vanellope smiled at seeing King Candy missing.

Entering the mountain, Vanellope took the lead and starting yelling out in joy and adrenaline as the sherbet road turned this way and that way, driving along the curves.

This cracked a smiled on (Y/N)'s blank face, before she turned and gasped at the two headlights above them, seeing as King Candy was going to run her sister over, (Y/N) revved her engine and forced herself in King Candy's way.

"AAH—!" She grunted as she fell off her motor bike and onto Vanellope's kart, her helmet somehow cracking in two and falling off of her head as she tried to stay steady.

"(Y/N)!" Vanellope yelled out as King Candy forced his kart under hers, anger and fury in his voice.


Vanellope furrowed her eyebrows in anger and fear, worried about her sister that was struggling to stay on the hood of her kart, turning and trying to move her kart. "Hey—What are you?! Crazy?!"

"What do you think you're doing?!" (Y/N) shouted, finally gaining stability, Oing Candy glared at her. "I forbid you two to cross that finish line!"

King Candy grabbing his joystick and jammed it onto his go peddle, getting up, snatching his antenna off of his hood and swinging it at Vanellope's windshield.

"AH—!" Vanellope screams, flinching back as (Y/N) growls, doing her best to push King Candy and trying not to push herself off. "Knock it off!"

. . . . .

"Argh!" Ralph yells out as he body slams another Cy-bug, it's body dissipating as he fights a couple more.

Felix gasped and pointed at the screen. "Ralph, look—!"

Ralph did so and his eyes widened, seeing (Y/N) struggle to hold back the antenna King Candy was fighting with to protect Vanellope made him furious. "(Y/N)! Kid!"

. . . . .

"Rah—!" (Y/N) started to glitch badly along with Vanellope nervously, wanting to help,  Vanellope grabbed the antenna as King Candy glitched has well. "No—! Stop it!"

"I'm not—!" King Candy screamed in their faces, his body turning white in contrast to his usual outfit. "Urgh!!—I'm not letting you two undo all my hard work!"

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