Shut Up And Drive

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~Give all your worries to God, for he cares about you.~ 1 Peter 5:7

Idk why but me and my sister took anime quizzes to see what our anime names would be and mine was either Aiko or Rin!

kakashi flashbacks—

(F/P): favorite pattern
3rd P.O.V:

Still upside down, Ralph deadpanned at girl on his stomach. "So let me get this straight. You know how to drive," He turned to to Vanellope "but you don't."

She bobbled her head with a sheepish smile. "Well no, not technically. But, I just thought that— "

"What did you think? Oh—!" Ralph suddenly got up, startling (Y/N) as she yelped and rolled off the ledge. The girl giving him a 'seriously?' look when he started dancing around like a princess. "I'll just—I'll just magically win the race just because I really want to!"

Vanellope pouted, standing up from her cart. "Look wise guy, I know I'm a racer, I can feel it in my code!" She then waved a hand at (Y/N) whilst she was taking off her helmet. "And you saw how (N/N) was driving! She was like a pro! What do you have to say about that?"

"Actually, it felt like second nature." Shaking her hair out and leaning her weight on her left leg, (Y/N) tapped her finger against her waist contemplatively. "But I still don't really have the hand of it." She nudged her head at her fallen motor bike. "The way I tried to stop the bike is enough evidence."

Ralph groaned, ending it with a cry. "That's it! I'm never getting my medal back!"

(Y/N) rolled her eyes at his behavior as Vanellope tried to get her cart unstuck. "What is the big whoop about that crummy medal anyway?"

"The big whoop?" Ralph turned, offended as (Y/N) walked past him to help her sister. "Well, this may come as a shock to you—but in my game, I'm the bad guy and I live in the garbage."

(Y/N) lifted her head and looked at him concerned as Vanellope smiled. "Cool—!"

"No, not cool!" He interrupted. "Unhygienic and lonely and boring." He fixed to two with a melancholy stare. "And that crummy medal was gonna change all that. I go home with that baby around my neck and I'll get a penthouse! pies, ice sculptures, fireworks!"

The sisters looked at each other before turning to Ralph again, glitching softly as he stopped his rant. "Aah! Forget I said anything, you wouldn't understand."

(Y/N) shook her head, standing up from her crouched position. "No. No, we get it, Ralph."

"That's exactly what racing would do for us." Vanellope held (Y/N)'s hand at the end of her sentence. Ralph put on a smile.

"Well, guess what?"


"News flash! None of us is getting what we want!" Ralph stomped with a defeated laugh before freezing when he heard hissing. "What was that?"

"Yeah," (Y/N) followed behind Ralph as Vanellope jogged in front of her. "It's best not to jump around here."

He gave her a curious looks as he turned around the corner and gasping at the sight of the boiling cola and mentos. "Woah."

Noticing two signs, Ralph squinted his eyes to read it better. "Diet Cola Hot Springs. Watch out for falling Mentos?"

"Yeah, check it out, look!" Vanellope ran forward and picked up a piece of chocolate, throwing it at one of the mentos above them.

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