Chapter 2

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**Ranboo's POV**
I slowly start gaining my ability to talk again as Tubbo assesses my wounds. I can't help but stare at his smile when he looks at me. His smile looks as if it could solve all of the world's problems. If only that were true.

"Okay Ranboo," I'm pulled out of my thoughts, "so good news and bad news. The good news is, you are not dead." I roll my eyes at that, "well clearly, what's the bad news?" I feel bad for being so snarky, but I don't have time to stay here. I need to leave, soon. I don't have much time.

"Okay, sorry, just trying to lighten up the mood big man, the bad news is that your body is very scraped up from being on the ice in such terrible clothing and I have reason to believe that the nerves in your leg are currently not working very well."

I look at him confused, "which means what exactly?" He sighs, "it means that, it's possible, you won't be able to walk for now."

"That's not possible, I can't stay. I need to leave as soon as possible." I try to pick myself up off of the floor but I end up falling right back down. "Hey, hey, no worries, you can sleep on the couch for today, okay? I'll help you as much as I can tomorrow. Don't worry, we'll get you home." Home, a word that I haven't heard in many years. I nod in response to his kindness.

He helps me up on the couch, I feel so weak and so useless. "Hey Ranboo?" I look up at him, "have you eaten anything today? Would you like some soup?"

"No that's alright, I'll be fine-" my stomach rumbles loudly. Of course that had to happen right now. He chuckles a little bit before saying, "I'll grab you some beet soup, be right back."

He goes back down the ladder and I sigh loudly. I've already been here for too long. He's been far too kind to me. I need to leave as soon as possible. I'll go tomorrow morning. He comes back up, handing me the soup. "Thank you," I say quietly before taking a bite. It's amazing! I start eating a little bit quicker. And before I realize it, the bowl is empty. I can't remember the last time I had a home cooked meal and I'm sure that the next time will be in the very distant future. I look up to see Tubbo staring at me.

"What is it?" I ask. He smiles slightly, "I guess I don't understand a few things. Why were you out there? Why haven't you got anything with you?" I look at him for a few moments, trying to figure out the answer I should give him. "As for the fact that I have nothing, I must have lost it in the snow or water," that much is true, "as for why I was out there, I must have fallen when I was travelling home," the word is bitter coming out of my mouth.

He nods at my answer. I'm not sure if he thinks I'm telling the truth, but all I know is that I won't be sticking around long enough to find out. "Okay, well Ranboo, you should get some sleep. We'll do another injury assessment tomorrow when it's brighter." He hands me a blanket and goes up the ladder to where I assume there's a bedroom. I drift off into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning

I wake up to the smell of something wonderful. Beside me is a tray with bacon and eggs on it with a note that says, 'I'll be back soon, gone fishing'. After eating one of the best meals that I'll have for a long time, I look on the floor beside the couch and there's a bag and a book, my bag and book. They are a bit damp, but they're here! He must have went out to find them for me this morning. I start to tear up slightly at the thought of someone caring for me, a mix of happiness and despair.

I have to get out of here. I pack my book into my bag and I try to walk, I let out a scream of pain as I fall to the ground.

**Tubbo's POV**

I'm walking pack with my fishing rod and a few cod when I hear a scream. That sounds like... Ranboo. I run into the house to see Ranboo on the ground. I go to his side to help him up on the couch. I check his leg and it looks really bad. He must have gotten frost bite. His nerves are going to be fucked, which means getting him home is going to take longer than expected.

"Ranboo, you are in critical condition, I know I promised that I'll get you home as soon as possible, but you need a healer, luckily I know one in a neighboring city known as The Dream SMP. We'll go there tomorrow, but it looks like you'll have to stay here longer than expected. I'm sorry."

He looks at me with a mix of emotions in his eyes, I can't exactly figure out his emotions. I see fear, I see anger, I see sadness, but I also see happiness?

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