Chapter 10

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**Tubbo's POV**

Ranboo has been feeling much better these past few days which makes me happy, but every day that passes is a day closer to my inevitable demise. Technoblade said that Philza will be back today, I don't know how the Angel of Death is supposed to help us, but if anyone can help, it's Dadza.

I look at the bed where Ranboo is and see that he's shifting in his sleep. I sit beside him and rub his shoulders lightly until he calms down. He snuggles into me and I pet his head.

Eventually he stirs and looks up at me.
"Hey bee, how's it going?" He says groggily.


"You gave me a nickname, so I gave you one. Bee and boo, dynamic duo. Has a ring to it don't you think?" I chuckle at him. He's become much more of a joker since he's no longer dying.

"I love it." I say while smiling at him.

Suddenly I hear the door open and stuff being placed in chests. Philza's home.

I take a deep breath. "Are you ready to face the Angel of Death?

He looks at me with his head tilted, "I thought he was a God of Life?"

"Actually, I'm both." We turn to see Philza standing at the door in full armor. "They call me the Angel of Death because your mother is the Goddess of Death, but death cannot exist without life, I am the God of Life, constantly coexisting with the Goddess or Death, we keep the world in harmony. "

I stare at Philza in slight shock, I haven't seen my father in a very long time. I have done much to hurt him and I'm not sure if he'll forgive me. At least forgive me long enough to save my life.

"Hello my son, it's been a long time."

**Ranboo's POV**

He looks more intimidating than I first imagined, but I guess you have to be when you are the most powerful man in the world. I take a deep breath before speaking, "h-hello sir... I have come a very long way to request your assistance-"

"I know why you're here Ranboo, I know about your curse and I also know about the man who gave it to you." I perk up at this.

"You do?"

He nods. "Yes I do. He is a powerful being who has vast knowledge of this world, they call him Dream. He has been in battle with the king of the end, your father, his entire life. His anger led him to your family. I am sorry to hear about what happened to them."

I look down. Thinking of them brings back painful memories, I can't save them now, but I can save Tubbo. "Please, I'm begging you, can you help me?" I look at him, feeling hopeful. He puts a hand on my shoulder, despite just being outside, his touch feels warm and welcoming, reminds me of my childhood.

"I believe I can." He smiles at me.

Yes! Finally! I may have the chance of living a normal life!

"Do you hear that Tubbo!? He said-" I look at Tubbo to see that he's still staring at Philza with a mix of emotions, hurt, pain, regret, sorrow and... love.

**Third person POV**

Tubbo stares at Philza with an intense gaze. He knew that seeing his father after this many years would affect him, he just didn't realize how much of an impact he would have. He wants to scream, cry and apologize all at once but he doesn't. He just stares.

"I know what you must be feeling Tubbo and if you're wondering if I'm angry? Of course I am, but at the same time, you were just a kid. You didn't know how to run a country. I forgive you son."

Tubbo runs into his father's arms and the embrace each other. Ranboo smiles at this, feeling for the first time in a long time that everything might be okay.

"Okay, Ranboo, lets rid you of this curse once and for all." Philza says and Tubbo smiles brightly, happy that his friend will no longer have to carry this burden.

Ranboo nods, "what do I have to do?"

"Actually, nothing. To rid oneself of the Curse of Death, the next 3 victims of the curse must experience the most painful event from their past." Philza says with sorrow laced in his voice.

"W-what does that mean exactly?" Ranboo says with worry laced in his voice.

"It means that the 3 people that love you the most must experience the most painful event from their past."

"B-but I only have one person that loves me." Ranboo says slowly while looking at Tubbo.

"Unfortunately, if that's true, then that person will experience all 3 events, one after the other. Exactly the same way as they originally happened."

"W-what?! Tubbo... I..." Ranboo stutters.

"It's okay Ranboo. It's worth it if it saves both of us." Tubbo says with a soft smile.

"No Tubbo I can't ask you to do that. I'd rather die than you have to re-experience the pain that I know you have gone through."

"Ranboo, I don't know why, but you mean the world to me. I want you to come back home to Snowchester with me and you can stay in my house or we can build a new one, either way, we can't do that if one of us dies. I need you to trust me." Tubbo hugs Ranboo and Ranboo hugs back, tears falling onto Tubbo's shirt.

"B-but what if Dream comes back?"

"Dream was put into an unbreakable prison half a year ago," Philza speaks up.

"So that settles it then right?" Tubbo asks. Ranboo hesitates before nodding.

"Okay..." Tubbo turns to Philza, "let's do this."

Philza starts speaking in an indecipherable language and his eyes and fingertips start emitting a bright white light. He flies up and points his hands at Ranboo. He shoots the white light at Ranboo and Ranboo's eyes start glowing white as well. Ranboo can feel something being pulled out of him, it must be the curse. Eventually Philza drops Ranboo and he drops to the ground, coughing.

"Ranboo, RANBOO! ARE YOU OKAY?" he hears Tubbo yelling.

"Yes, yes... I'm- I'm okay." Ranboo gets up slowly. "I've never felt better."

Tubbo smiles, "I'm glad boo." Suddenly Tubbo feels dizzy and everything starts to go black.

Ranboo sees Tubbo drop and catches him before he hits the ground. "Tubbo, Tubbo come on, wake up," he slaps him lightly and when he doesn't wake up he holds him close. "W-what's happening?"

"He's in the first experience. He'll be okay as long as he doesn't try to change history. If he does, he'll never wake up and he'll be stuck in his own new reality." Philza puts a hand on Ranboo's shoulder. "Tubbo is smart. He'll be okay."

Ranboo hopes that Philza is right.

**Tubbo's POV**

I wake up with a massive headache. What happened? The last thing I remember is-Ranboo! Where is he? I'm very awake now and looking around. I'm not in a house, I'm in... L'manburg. I look down, I'm in a suit. I look around and see... decorations. The festival. L'manburg. Schlatt... "Tubbo! My right hand man," I feel a strong hand on my shoulder and I smell alcohol, "how are preparations going for the festival?"


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