Chapter 8

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**Ranboo's POV**

I can't process all of this. I have hidden this secret for 5 years and now it suddenly comes crashing down. "You reek of the curse. So you going to tell me how it happened or are you just going to sit there?" I hear Technoblade says in a monotone voice while collecting items which I assume will be used to heal me.

I sigh, I might as well tell him, my life is quite literally in his hands. "A really bad man came to my house about 6 years ago, I don't know what grudge he held against my family, it must have something to do with my father who I never really knew, all I knew is that he destroyed cities and clearly angered this man. He came to our house and tried to kill all of us. Something took over me and I managed to get him into a vulnerable position, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't kill him. Suddenly his eyes became a bright green and he spoke in a language that I couldn't understand. He said, 'I curse you to the life of agony that you have brought me' and he left."

Tears sting my eyes and Technoblade starts unwrapping my leg bandages, I continue, "6 months later, my mother died. Another 6 months, my sister died... Another 6 months, my best friend... I realized too late that it was the curse of death the man put on me. Every 6 months, someone I love dies and there's nothing I can do to stop it, except keep people from loving me. I have not been a part of society for about 5 years, I try to keep people safe, but I now fear for Tubbo's life. I have become very close to him and I fear that he cares for me as well. The next event will happen in 2 weeks time, please Technoblade... Is there anything you can do to stop the curse?"

I see a bright glow come from a bottle and he grabs it. He gives me a cloth. "Bite that, this is going to hurt." I do as he says and bite the cloth. He pours the liquid on my leg. I feel an intense burning and it feels like I'm being stabbed, shot and burnt all at the same time. I yell muffled words until the pain subsides. There's a few moments where the only sound that could be heard was my deep breathing until Technoblade spoke, "there's nothing I can do to stop your curse. And unfortunately, as much as I don't trust my brother, I know him well enough to know that he cares about you and does love you."

(Platonic love is a thing, don't be weird)

My heart drops. This was my only hope. "I don't want to hurt him. I'll do anything."

"Either way you have to tell him, his life is on the line, he deserves to know." I sigh because I know he's right. He continues, "there's two solutions, one, we take out the problem instead of waiting for the solution." He says in an intimidating tone. He means me, I'm the problem. I'll have to give up my life.

"The second solution is that you are cured by the immortal god of life."

"Who's the god of life?" I ask grasping on to any piece of hope.

He stares at me expressionless, "my father."

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