5. Hidden Scars

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Perfectly imperfect.


Song Kang cut me from speaking further, "No questions further."

I twist my mouth shutting up.

It wasn't right and not fair at all. What did he mean by saying I was gonna be safe if I was to become his girlfriend?

Nothing was making sense and when I was trying to ask him he didn't want to answer any of my questions.

How did he think that I would simply trust him?

I shook my head, "Song Kang..."

He looked up at me as I let out a deep breath, "You say I will be safe if I am your girlfriend, right?"


Licking my lips I add, "I'll be your girlfriend on one condition."

He thinks for a few seconds before stating, "Tell me what it is?"

"Answer me all the questions I need to trust you, only then I will be ready to take the risk"

Grunting in response Song Kang falls back behind his back covering his face with his palms and staying like that for a few minutes. I stood in the same position waiting for him to reply to my suggestion,

And he got up.

"Fine, but not everything."

Yeah it was obvious he wouldn't tell me everything. He was keeping me safe by keeping the reasons to himself but at least I wanted to know what the hell was going on and why?

I nod, "Yeah but I want everything later." I look down at my bruised hand, "At least before I die."

"You're not dying, so move aside."


And Song Kang wakes up from his position and flops down beside me, reaching for his towel and wiping his bloody hands, "Shall I?" He asks still wiping off the blood as I nod, "Please."

Nodding, Song Kang rubs the towel on his arms asking me, "Do you remember your parent's death?"

I pause. That was unexpected, but yes I wanted answers and the way he asked the question it certainly seemed like there was more to what I was able to even think.

"Kind of?" That is what I reply.

Although I didn't witness the death, I was in known of it when I was in the hospital. They told me I was the only one who survived the accident.

"Did you know how they died?" He asks getting up to remove a shirt from a cupboard to change.

I tilt my head at his question, what was he getting on by asking me such a question? Was my parent's death related to what I was going through?

"Yes, by accident," I answer.

Getting changed Song Kang changes his shirt and I avert my eyes away to not get distracted, but the next question he asked made me stand in shock.

He asked if I had a scar on my thigh.

That was the scar I got when I was in the accident. A sharp cut with no reason why it did got cut. I have always thought it was maybe because I got screeched during the accident and that would be the reason I might get it.

But the question here is how did Song Kang know about it?

"H-how did you know about it?" My mind was again starting to get deluded with dangerous conclusions. Was he in any way involved in my parent's death?

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