16. The sacrifice

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True love is selfless. It is prepared to sacrifice

"I trusted you."

Kang doesn't faze. His eyes dead. Bearing no emotion. He's on his knees in front of me. So romantic isn't it? I'm so gone. So broken. So dumb.

"We have to discuss this." He tells.

"Discuss what?" I am so confused. "You think I look like I will discuss any shit?"

His jaw clenches. "Are you going to sign the papers or not?"

"Or what?" I frown, "You're gonna kill me. What else?" I don't know what to say anymore. I am still processing this. This betrayal. His love for me. Love. Love. God. I thought he loved me.

"Did you leave me with any choice, Kang?" The rage is slowing down to a heartbreak. And tears are almost coming on the brim but I don't want him to see them. Don't wanna come out so hurt.

He's looking straight into my eyes. Both of them. And If I wasn't wrong I see how they soften up for a second. How he doesn't want this either but again I might be delusional. Maybe it's the mirage my eyes are creating.

"Okay, stop the drama." Mr Kang is running out of patience and I'm glaring at him now. If I could, I could split his neck in half and do this world a favour of eliminating this man of demon from it.

He's pointing his finger at me, "Your choices are clear. Sign the papers and fly away far away from this place or die." He shrugs, "Simple, right?"

"Fly where?" What does he mean?

He's scoffing out a big laugh. "I don't know manh, at least you're surviving right?" He comes closer, rests his palm on Kang's shoulder and keeps his eyes on me. "Isn't that a big deal?"

I see Kang stiffening up under his touch.

Kang. Song Kang. That guy who made all of these ten days worth living than any days I had after my parents passed away. How could someone feel so much at home? Like a safe place.

He can't really betray me, can he?

How can those genuine eyes lie to me?

But again, I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. All I can do is love him either way. Cause even after all of this, sickly I can't even stop this stupid feeling from fading away. They're so strong. And I just want to get him and run far away.

But it isn't really possible. Maybe there's that 1% chance.

None of them is going to have me sign those papers either way. I am not letting this sick man have what he wants willingly, at all. If I die. Then that is that.

"I am not signing the papers. Just get done with this and kill me." I declare. I give up.

Mr Kang groans, slaps his palms on his lap, "C'mon I thought you weren't this boring."

My eyes are red and teary, my heart is a mess and he is making me out as a damn boring person? I almost jumped at him and Kang got his palms stopping me from getting up.

"What do you think you're doing?" His tone is laced with calmness. "Sit back." I can't read him at all and it is so so so annoying.

My head is buried down and I'm shaking and crying out. "God, son can you just stop this dramatic nonsense." His father is sighing hard. Hands on his forehead. "Girls are fucking irritating for real. Specifically this little shit."

I am crying more and his father keeps blabbering.

"Parents died. I get it. There are so many kids without parents, like, please. Cut the crap. Just think about yourself and live." He is making my blood boil and I don't know how to release it all out.

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