11. Hottest couple 2021

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Don't let fatigue make a coward of you.

I opened my eyes, feeling a warm body enveloped around me. I rub my eyes to clearly look at what I was seeing.

There he was. The Greek God laying in the same sheets as mine, his hands stroking my hair as he beams a sweet smile to me realizing I woke up,


I blink not understanding how one person was capable enough to look this pretty even early in the morning. It wasn't fair at all.

"Morning," I yawned as Song Kang chuckled watching me, "Still sleepy?" He asked as I let out another yawn shutting my eyes and nodding, "Uhm, I'm so tired."

He laughs pulling me closer to him, "Same, let's stay a little longer like this." He hugs me tighter as my insides almost explode in his strong arms. I slap my palm on his hand asking him to let go and when he does he twists his mouth as if I was taking away a favourite toy from him.

"What?" I ask as Song Kang sighs resting his head on his palm and elbow on the bed looking down at me.


I stare at him while his hands flicker my hair away from my face softly,

"Do you like me?"

My eyes wide opened.

Okay, that was unexpected but maybe yes I knew deep down he would ask me this. The truth hurts and the truth was I didn't know that myself. My actions from yesterday were purely based on attraction and lust, and giving it the meaning of likeness didn't seem right to me.

I had to be honest with him.

"I don't know," I said lowering my gaze in embarrassment. Those words pierced through me, hurting me. GOD I didn't want to say that but that was how I was feeling.

Would he think I used him yesterday? Would he leave me now, Since I said this? Would he give up on me?

"Hey..." He lifted my chin, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked" I saw the pain in his eyes, "I'm sorry to make you uncomfortable" He got up smiling at me, "I'll prepare for breakfast, okay?" He presses a kiss on my forehead before heading out of the room.

I felt like daggers hitting my chest. I was hurt, I hurt him.

Did I really not like him? Or I just didn't want to accept it?


Looking at myself in the mirror I admire the necklace which was showing its beauty on me, expressing how beautiful I blend with it.

Putting it back under my shirt I walk to the class.

My seat was next to Kang, as usual. I was kinda nervous after what all happened today morning. I shouldn't have made out with him until and unless I was sure about my feelings.

It seemed like I used him.

"Had your lunch?" I felt Kang lowly whispering near my ear, weakening me. "Yes," I felt goosebumps on my skin.

"You saw the posters around?" He twirled his finger around my ponytail, "The hottest couple one?" I asked watching him play with my hair,

"We are a part of it" He let out a weak smile, "Should we tell them we aren't going to perfo-"

I kissed his cheeks, cutting him off. He deserves several kisses like this.

"We are the hottest, let's do it" I shyly respond as he was paused recollecting what happened a few seconds ago.

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