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Victoria's POV

I woke up snuggled to his chest. I felt Ross' arms securely holding my body, while soft snores escaped his lips. I didn't want to wake up yet, because it was so warm and comfy.

I admired his face for a while. He looked so handsome, even when sleeping, something I didn't think of before. I snuggled closer to him. His wide chest was against my face, and his breathing started to make me sleepy again.

Outside must be cold as hell, I thought.

Just when I was about to fall asleep, a man quickly entered the door, immediately waking me up again.

I involuntarily whimpered as someone ruined the moment, specially because I was almost asleep and wanted to stay like that. I think I heard Ross groan in frustration at whoever dares to enter.

"Boss" he said, agitated. As soon as he saw me, he flinched and stepped back, and was about to leave the room.

Anyway, Ross might have been awake, because before the man could leave, he sat up in bed and annoyingly said, "Who told you you could enter my bedroom as you please?"

I find it funny how he never talked to me like that. Instead, he was kind of soft with me, comparing to others. I liked seeing him like that, though. He covered my body more as he waited for the guy to answer.

"I-I'm sorry, boss! We just... we need your help with some details for the mission. It's urgent"

"Go and ask Jake about everything you need. He was the one who planned all of it, not me". I felt him cover my ear, but I didn't protest since I was still comfy and warm to even bother. I think he said something like "And if you, or anyone dare to enter my bedroom once again, I'll make sure to chop off your hands".

Just like that I heard the door shut and I slowly opened my eyes again, more awake than a couple minutes ago.

Ross stood up making sure the covers were still on me, and softly spoke.

"Hey, did you sleep well? I wish that as- that man didn't come so early".

I tiredly rubbed my eyes and said yes, sitting up in bed, to which he frowned.

"It's okay, you can sleep a bit more. It's still too early anyway".

I thought about it for a second but then decided the best would be to get up. After all, I couldn't just sleep here as I pleased.

Shaking my head, I said "I'm not sleepy anymore". Ross sighed.

"Okay, come with me. Oh, I made someone buy some clothes for you last night."

He did what? I don't know when he did it, but he didn't need to. How could I even accept it? Ross had alredy done too much for me and now he said he bought me clothes.

Although I realized I was on someone else's clothes and instantly felt weird.

"You... there's no need, Ross"

"Come on, it's nothing" I saw him open his closet and come back with a couple things.

I hated to admit that I loved the outfit. It was a long sleeve shirt and a warm pink dress, and also some long white socks and Vans.

In my life, everything was pink, it's my favorite color after all.

My shocked expression made Ross smile proudly, probably because I liked his gift.

"You like it that much? Here" he said, handing me everything, and continued before I could protest. "I'll be downstairs, I'll tell someone to cook breakfast for you".

And just like that, he grabbed a pair of pants and a shirt, and went change in the bathroom. I was surprised at how fast he did it, because he immediately left the room and headed downstairs.

I stayed like that, dumbfounded. A cold breeze suddenly got me out of my thoughts and I started to get dressed. To be honest, I was excited to wear something he bought for me.

It was scary to think of facing those men again, even if Ross had said that they weren't going to hurt me. What else could I think? One of them, Jake, I guess, had a large blood stain on his shirt.

Also, they were as tall as Ross.

I was kind of embarrassed at how small I was next to them. Just like a bunny in the middle of four wolves.

I remembered that I was in some guy's house, but I didn't feel strange. Ross gave me a protective feeling and I felt secure with him, I even felt frustrated for a moment when he left my side on the bed.

Anyway, once I was ready, I went to the kitchen with my new outfit, smiling at how pretty it made me feel.

Ross was standing there, scrolling through his phone while some random guy left three plates with pancakes on the table, and leaving immediately after.

"Come eat breakfast" Ross said as soon as he saw me.

I was about to, when I spotted a jar full o cookies above the fridge and instantly looked at him. To be honest, I found it strange that though men like them had treats in their house.

"No." He simply said. How did he know what I was about to ask?


"You have a ton of sugar in front of you, I won't give you a cookie now, Vicky".

I felt like a little kid right then, but a cookie was a cookie and I wasn't going to loose it. They seemed like the most delicious cookies ever.

I grabbed his hand and looked at him straight in the eyes while giggling. Can't blame me, I at least had to try.

"Pleaase? Just one"

He groaned and looked away.

"Fine, just one".

Of course I needed his help, because the top of the fridge was too high for me to reach. When he handed the cookie to me, I thanked him and we both sat down at the table.

Just when we were about to eat, Jake came into our view.

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