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When Ross and Vicky woke up, they changed their clothes and went upstairs, meeting Jake and Marcus about to eat something.

The weather was still cold and the girl could barely stop trembling. Her hands and feet were cold, even if she was wearing a warm outfit, but she decided she wouldn't say anything.

"Hey, sweetie. Had a good sleep today, too?" Jake asked, messing with her hair. She huffed at that, because she had just combed her hair, but answered instead.

"Yeah, I don't remember when I fell asleep, though".

They all sat down. Surprisingly, before she came to their house, they didn't really had breakfast, but now it was nice to hear her laugh in the morning, so they were kind of getting used to it.

Of course, except for Jeff, who was having another meeting at the moment.

Vicky was sat next to Marcus instead of Ross this time. Soon enough, another man came with their breakfast and left without saying anything, something the girl wasn't surprised to, as the Caruso's were really intimidating anyway.

"Hey, you have syrup on your mouth" Marcus said, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

She only giggled and said 'sorry' before continuing eating. Even though it didn't seem like a good day, she was in a good mood.

"We're going to Vicky's house now, so she can bring her things here. And Brownie".

The girl hoped they wouldn't mind, or at least didn't hate the idea. She didn't want to bother, but at the same time she was comfy in their house.

Victoria waited for an answer for a couple seconds until Marcus spoke.

"That's great! Uh, do you need something?"

"We're fine I guess, we're just gonna be out for a few hours"

"Okay, let us know if you need anything. And Vicky, you should wear another coat or something. It's really cold outside, yeah?" Jake said. She didn't really find it weird that he treated her like a little girl actually, because, even if he seemed really tough and tall, he was the youngest of the four brothers and seemed less... intimidating, and had a different personality.



The road was silent but not uncomfortable. Victoria's house was about 30 minutes away, and she grew anxious by every minute.

She didn't want to face her mother or anyone, she just wanted to get her things and go away with Ross. The girl didn't even want to give explanations, and hoped her mother didn't ask for them either.

Ross noticed her nervousness though, and put a hand on her leg.

"It's okay, you're just gonna get some clothes and we can go, yeah?"

"Yeah" she sighed.

When they got there, they parked the black suv and went to the front door, knocking a few times. A couple seconds later, Elizabeth James opened.

Victoria's heart almost got out of her chest. She didn't know how her mother would react and was waiting to find the words.

"Mom, hi. I... I'm going to get some of my things. I'm gonna be living with Ross for a while" She said, not really looking at her in the eyes. As she said his name, he got closer extended his hand to Elizabeth.

"Hello, I'm Ross Caruso" he simply said. He didn't want to say a single word to the woman, but did it because of Vicky. However, she didn't shake his hand and just huffed.

"Go on then, get everything you want" Elizabeth said, signaling them to enter the house.

Victoria took a random suitcase and quickly got some clothes and personal stuff. Since she didn't know how long she would stay at the Caruso's mansion, she just got everything that fitted in the suitcase.

It took her about 20 minutes to get everything she needed and then went back to her living room, where her mother was smoking and Ross was standing near her.

"All done?" He sofly asked when he saw Vicky.

"Uh, yeah"

"Okay then, let's go"

Just when the girl was going to pick her cat up (who she was really happy to see), she heard her mother sarcastically laugh.

"So I see you've found some random man who you can sleep with, huh? That's why you ran away a few days ago, didn't you?"

She immediately froze, and Ross did, too. She whimpered and her eyes started watering. Of course she could expect her mother to be mean to her, but never imagined she could say such thing.

Was she really a distraction to Ross? Someone he just wanted to sleep with? Victoria wasn't upset because of her harsh words, but because she couldn't believe that was true.

Ross groaned and looked at the woman straight in the eyes, when Vicky started crying.

"Mom, what's your problem? T-that's not true! He helped me!"

"Oh, so you really think that he's not gonna use you or something? Some man you suddenly met?" Elizabeth angrily asked.

"That's enough" Ross raised his voice "Don't listen to her, princess. Let's go alredy before I do something bad"

The girl couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her mother didn't even bother to call someone when she suddenly disappeared, or at least tried to call her. Now, Elizabeth was saying cruel things about Ross, and she wouldn't accept that.

Victoria knew that Elizabeth had been drinking or smoking, or both. She was used to discussions with her, but this was different. She decided it was enough of it, and turned to Ross.

Vicky was about to leave with the man, when her mother spoke again,

"Yeah, go have fun with him. But don't come later to tell me I was right, bitch"

And just like that, Victoria started sobbing at her words. How could her own mother call her that? Ross then got closer and picked her up, not minding Elizabeth at all, and started rubbing the girl's back.

"Next time you open your mouth, I hope you know who you're talking to or I swear you'll regret it"

Elizabeth didn't say anything, just huffed and kept smoking, but seemed scared at the threat.

He didn't say anything to Vicky, though, just picked her suitcase from the floor and headed to the door, as Brownie followed them outside.

Ross started saying sweet nothings to her to help her calm down, which surprisingly helped. Victoria wrapped her arms around his neck and put her face on his chest as she kept crying.

"Shh, you're okay, baby. It's over, we're going home, yeah? Look, Brownie's coming, too" He said, and she seemed to slowly stop sobbing at the last thing, but couldn't help being upset.

Ross got to the car, where he sat her next to him, and managed to put the suitcase (and the cat) in the backseat.

When they were leaving, they saw Elizabeth, still smoking, in the front door, watching as they both left.

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