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Victoria's POV

Today I was feeling littler than usual. I didn't know why, but I wanted to be held and cuddle with someone so bad. Basically, I didn't want to be alone. Maybe it was because of the weather, as it was finally getting warmer, and that put me in a good mood.

On the other hand... the brothers probably weren't feeling the same. Well, it was hard to tell, since they barely left their offices, and when they got out, they were too busy to even stay some minutes.

Of course, Jeff left me some coloring books and colors, and Marcus gave me Daisy, but I didn't want any of that. I wanted them.

I decided to go to daddy's office, where I could hear him pretty angry talking on the phone. The door was slightly opened, so I just entered. If I hadn't been feeling little, I wouldn't even think of it, seeing how distressed he was. But I wanted to be with him, or at least to get him to pay attention to me.

"Daddy" I whispered.

He was frowning, and seemed really stern at that moment. He looked like that every time he got angry at something work related, so I always tried not to talk to him too much when he was working. But this time, his face relaxed as soon as he saw me. He said "call you later" through gritted teeth before hanging up and putting his phone on his pocket.

"Hey, baby. What's wrong?"

"I'm bored, daddy. Can we cuddle, pleease?"

He sighed and thought about it for a moment. I couldn't complain if he said no, because we had been spending time together a lot these past days, and today he seemed busy like his brothers.

"I'm sorry, princess. Daddy has a lot to do today. But I promise you we can cuddle later as long as you want, deal?"

I wanted to pout, but it wasn't his fault. I could see he felt guilty about it, but I understood he had things to deal with.

In the end, I went to the only available (and, by that, I mean he seemed less busy than the others) person in the mansion: Marcus. I couldn't really get to cuddle with him often, but we did get along pretty well. He was the one I played with the most, so maybe it was a good idea.

I knocked his door a few times, he coming out seconds after. Marcus smiled a little before picking me up, making me giggle at the sudden action.

"Hey, baby. What did you need?"

"I'm bored" I repeated, "and everyone's busy... and daddy's also working"

"Oh no, can't have my princess feeling sad, can I?"

I giggled again at him, to which he smiled. I loved when he was in a good mood, he would always tell jokes and try to make me smile, and now it was being pretty easy, but I couldn't help it.

I smelled his perfume, I mean, he wore it even when he wasn't going to meet anyone, but I loved it. I hid my face in his shoulder and he started stroking my hair.

"Are you busy?" I asked.

"Nothing too important right now, I was kind of checking some codes, but I also need a break. Want to go outside and play with the doggies?"

I quickly nodded, actually liking the idea. It had been a while since I last played with them, since daddy and the brothers were still insecure about it, so they tried not to let me be around them too often. But they wouldn't hurt me.

Marcus took me downstairs, grabbed a jacket for me, and took me outside where both of the dogs came rushing to us. A guy was about to say something (apparently he was the new trainer), but Marcus raised his hand and signaled him it was okay, so he left us be, pretty confused at the dogs' interaction right now.

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