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Victoria's POV

Ross let me choose a movie on his flat screen, which I didn't really pay attention to. I finally decided to watch Beauty and the Beast, because I hadn't watched it in a long time. But the thunders outside, which Ross didn't seem to mind at all, were still frightening me, although not so much to worry him about.

He made a man get us pizza in the bedroom, and he seemed to be in a good mood after the conversation. Ross kept cuddling me (as he knew I loved that) and everything made me feel smaller for some reason.

The praises, the movie, and Ross' soft touches made me feel like a little girl, but I loved it.

Anyway, once the movie ended, I yawned a couple times. It surprised us both to realize it was 11:30 pm, way past my "bedtime", so Ross started tucking me into bed.

"Sleep well" he said, while stroking my hair. I hummed in response, something I was doing a lot that night, and fell asleep instantly.

I could still hear the rain drops against the window, and thankfully the house was quiet. I didn't really dream though, it had been a long day and I was way too tired, too.

Also, I didn't stop cuddling Ross, specially because of everything that happened before.


It was around 4 am when a really, really loud thunder woke me up, making me widen my eyes instantly. I sat up in bed, noticing no one was there, and heard another thunder outside.

I whimpered, not seeing anything in the dark and also not being able to move anyways, as I was too scared to do so. I started breathing heavily, I was kind of sensitive to loud noises and well, being alone in a dark room wasn't helping at all.

I didn't know when, but at some point I started crying in fear. My hands and knees were on my chest as I curled up into a ball, and I just needed Ross or anyone else to be here with me.

My body started shaking, hoping this would stop alredy. I hated this, I felt so vulnerable.

A tall figure entered, turning the lights on and instantly seeing my state. I didn't like that, I must had looked so stupid, and in other context, I would had felt embarrassed. But now I just wanted to be with him.

Ross quickly picked me up when I squealed at another thunder, and started shushing me.

"Baby? What happened? You're okay, shhh" he softly rubbed my back while I clutched to him, afraid he might leave again. "I'm sorry, daddy's right here"

I'd have frozen at his nickname if I hadn't been in the middle of a crisis, to be honest, but I didn't care then. It really surprised me at first, but I liked that he called himself that. Although it was too embarrassing anyways, so I decided not to say anything.

After some minutes, he kept stroking my hair and rubbing circles on my back, which surprisingly helped a lot. The humiliation feeling was noticeable at this point.

"There you go. Can you tell me why were you crying, princess?"

I sniffled and tiredly rubbed my eyes. I never let go of his shirt, as I could still hear the storm. At least this time I felt safe.

"Y-you weren't here a-and I'm scared of loud noises... a-and it was dark and I thought you had left"

Ross sat in bed, putting me on his lap and hugging me tight.

"I'm sorry baby, I just went downstairs for a moment. I promise I won't leave you like that again, yeah?"

I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder. I was thankful he was there, and also that he didn't find me weird or something.

I kept thinking about how he referred to himself as Daddy. It was cute to be honest, and I wouldn't mind calling him like that... in private at least. I thought calling him Ross was a little serious, honestly.

We stayed like that for a minute. I wasn't really scared at that point. Ross kept rubbing my back and whispering sweet nothings until I calmed down.

I softly moved my head from his shoulder and nervously started fidgeting with my fingers.


"Yes, princess?"

"Uh... c-can I call you Daddy?"

My cheeks immediately turned bright red and I was thankful he couldn't see it from his position. I felt too uncomfortable at the brief silence between us and hoped he wouldn't find it weird that I asked that. Maybe I heard wrong and he never said anything like that, and now I was anxiously waiting for him to speak.

Ross chuckled before he started laying me on bed again, covering both of us with the blankets.

"Of course you can, princess"

I smiled at his words, cuddling to him again. His arms, as always, were embracing my body as I felt his chest up and down with every breath.

"You're my little baby" he muttered, hugging me closer to his body.

I checked the clock and it was now 4:40 am. This time, I closed my eyes and sleeped soundly with a smile on my face.


Hi guyss :)

I'm sorry this chapter is kind of short, but I think it's too cute soo I hope you liked it.

Thank you for the support, I like updating for you.

Have a good day <3

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