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Victoria's POV

I slept for what felt like years. Jake's bed was as comfy as Ross', except this time no one woke me up like this morning. The silk sheets, the soft mattress and Jake stroking my hair made me doze off in no time.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I realized I wasn't in Jake's bed, but in Ross'. I tiredly sat up, trying to remember everything from before I took a nap. Rubbing my eyes, I heard a voice near me. It was Ross, how didn't I see him?

"Had a good sleep?"

"Yes... I was tired" he chuckled.

"But didn't I tell you to wait here?" Ross softly asked and I blushed, suddenly feeling scolded. It was embarrassing because he was right, I should have waited for him.

"I-I'm sorry, I was nervous and saw Jake, and I went with him because I was sleepy".

"Why were you nervous, princess?" I blushed really hard at the sudden nickname. Not that I was expecting him to call me that, but I actually liked it.

"B-because you were injured and Marcus and Jeff were so serious all of a sudden..."

"Hmm, did they scare you?" I looked away, not wanting to meet his eyes.

"A little... but it's okay!" He was about to say something when I interrupted him. "Oh, is your leg better?"

It took him a couple seconds to realize what I was saying, maybe he didn't even remember about his wound although it seemed pretty bad. He faked a painful expression and grabbed his leg.

"Uh, a little. I think I need to watch a movie tonight to feel better".

I giggled at him and mentally rolled my eyes. For a moment I actually thought he was in pain.

"But how did I get here?"

To be honest, I was completely confused because I had a light sleep. Even the smallest thing could wake me up, unlike some of my friends. Someone could literally yell at them and they wouldn't wake up.

Specially in someone else's bed, I should be able to wake up easily.

"I brought you here, you were sleeping soundly". Ross simply said. This time I tilted my head and frowned a little. He must have been very quiet to do that without me realizing, but I didn't know I was that sleepy either.

"Wanna go watch some cartoons while I get you something to eat?"

"Uh... Ross?"


"Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked. I hoped the question didn't sound too cold, because I was just curious and certainly wasn't used to this kindness at all.

He seemed to be choosing his words, until he spoke.

"Well... At first, I had empathy for you. My brothers and I never had something like a real family, or someone to actually take care of us, and we only had each other" I involuntarily gasped and he smiled, "that's why I asked you to come with me. Because I felt we were kind of the same. And now, I think I just like taking care of you".

My eyes involuntarily started to water and he seemed to panic. I hated being so sensitive, it was really annoying, and now I probably made him worry. But I thought it was really nice to hear that.

I couldn't remember the last time someone said something like that to me, it made me feel good.

I thought of a lot of things, and I suddenly started quietly crying, and my embarrassment only made it worse.

He got closer and started rubbing my back, something that was surprisingly helping me calm down.

"Shh. Why are you crying, hm?"

"I-I'm sorry. I like you, too... b-but I still can't stay here forever..." I said, completely honest. Even if I loved being here and with them, I couldn't just leave my things... or, more important, my cat.

It may sound stupid, but my pet was the only thing that would make me go back to my house. And, of course, my other things.

Did my mother even bother to call me? Or anyone else?

"What are you talking about? I've already told you, you can stay here. Princess, I won't let you go back" Ross softly stated.

"B-but, my things... A-and, Brownie!"

He looked at my, truly confused.


"Oh... it's my cat..."

There was a brief silence between us, and I didn't know why. I just hoped I didn't say anything too embarrassing, but I heard a sigh and he kept talking.

"Alright, look. I'm gonna get someone to go to your house and bring your things" I looked at him with a pout, "and Brownie".

I smiled and hugged him tightly, I was completely surprised. Why would Ross let me stay here with them, just like that?

"Thank you, but can I go myself? I'd like to talk to my mother..."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess".

Ross sighed again, before looking at me.

"Okay, but not today. It's raining and getting dark, alright? For now, let's get you something to eat".


In the end, Ross made me (I mean, made someone made me) a cup of hot chocolate with a cookie. It had been long since I last had some, so it was truly delicious.

Ross left for a minute though, apparently receiving a call, and I didn't really mind.

When I was half of the drink, Jeff entered the living room and looked at me, surprised.

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