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Ross' POV

As soon as I told Jeff the news, he stopped torturing one of the assholes who tried to report us to the police, after denying our payment.

It was common for me to bring Jeff whenever a meeting like this was being held, not because I didn't trust my other brothers, but because Marcus is better at hacking and planning missions, and Jake, surprisingly, besides making plans and strategies, he's also good at torturing people.

He could be a cold person at work, but in fact he wasn't like us. He was a completely different person in front of others, like innocent people. That's why I don't mind him being with Vicky, he wouldn't hurt her.

As soon as we both parked our black suv, at least five of our men got off the car after us.

"You really think these bastards want to 'just talk'?" Jeff asked.

"I have a feeling they're planning something, Jeff. I've already told Marcus about this. He's been working on something, just in case".

"What do y-"

Soon, a man came into our view, completely alone and apparently unarmed. He, unlike us, was wearing a white suit.

He was Vincenzo Bianco, our mafia biggest enemy.

"Benvenuti, ragazzi" he said with a smirk on his face.

"Bianco" I simply said, and Jeff just nodded.

"What's with that seriousness? I've told you, Ross, I invited you just to talk. As you can see, my men aren't even here".

I could never trust this man, even if he said that.

We talked for a few moments and then he guided us inside. His mansion was smaller than ours, but still big, and he really meant what he said. No one was there, except for a random guy who seemed to be there to attend us.

But this would be quick. I can't even say how much I hated this place, and I bet Jeff had the same thoughts as me.

He was the most quiet of the four of us, and also the second most bloodthirsty, after Jake. But Jeff was also very skillful with his gun, and that's also one of the reasons he always comes with me.

"So, Ross and Jeff Caruso. You've grown a lot since last time we ate together. Do you want some coffee?" He was about to wave his hand at his 'butler'.

I frowned and hold back my impulses. I really wanted to shoot him straight in his face, but I couldn't, not in his territorry. And he knew that.

"What did you want to talk about, Bianco?" Jeff abruptly said to him.

"Straight to the point, I see" his expression turned stern. "I'll be quick. Miller's territory... they're having some problems. We all know that it's good for both of our families. These fuckers have been messing with my family lately, and I know they did with yours, too".

I hated to admit that he was kind of right. The Miller's mafia had always been irresponsible with their own territories and family. They sell women, too, and have an important drug business.

However, the Miller's were nothing compared to the Caruso's. Hell, not even for the Bianco's, but they still tried to mess with us, still trying to expand their own territories.

"Anyway, I have an offer for you" he continued, intertwining his hands on the table. "I suggest we work together this time, so than we can erase them once and for all. What do you say, ragazzi?"

Jeff and I both looked at each other. He must have been joking. Not even in a hundred years would I work with this bastard or his pathetic mafia.

I suddenly stood up and so did Jeff, ready to punch the man in his damn face. No one except for us know how much we hated him.

"Listen here, Bianco. We would never work with you. Never. And you know that. What did you bring us here?"

Vincenzo smirked, and said:

"I thought you'd say that, Ross" The man said, standing up from his chair.
"You see, it's a shame. We could have been a good team".

As soon as he said that, I saw him snap his fingers and Jeff immediately yelled my name.

I knew this was a trap.

As we both took out our guns, many men came into the room ready to shoot at us. They were the same as Vincenzo, damn cowards. But we weren't gonna die.

Two hours ago, I had discussed this with Marcus, because we all knew this wasn't gonna end well. He always did a perfect work, be it with the computer or... with people.

Marcus and I planned this. Vincenzo's so damn dead.

When the yelling started, more of our men came into the room, and they all started shooting at each other, including us.

"Fucking told ya, Ross!" Jeff yelled.

A bullet almost hit my leg, making a slight but painful scratch, and staining my clothes.

I immediately pointed my gun to the man go shot me, straight in the face.

While this mess, I saw Vincenzo run with a smirk on his face to an opposite direction after shooting some of my men, probably to his car to escape.

I was about to shoot him when a man jumped in front of him, killing him instantly.

"Fuck" I whispered.

"Ross, let's go now! More of them are coming!"

We all started running and shooting until we made it to our cars and immediately sped up. We didn't need a massacre now, specially when that damn man escaped.

Bullets were heard against the car as we were leaving. I didn't care, though. I knew they weren't gonna get us.

I don't know why we accepted, to begin with. At first, I wanted to give Vincenzo a chance, not for him, but for my own family. Maybe, if the whole meeting was real, we could of get rid of some unnecessary people. But it wasn't the case.

I suddenly started laughing, more angry than content.

"What the fuck are you laughing at?"

"I almost shot him. I almost fucking kill him, but he escaped again".


The rest of the ride was silent, just hearing my heartbeat. Jeff had already calmed down, becoming the serious person he was.

Our men were right behind us, all heading to the mansion.

As soon as we got there and I got out of the car, my leg suddenly started hurting. I thought it was more than just a scratch.

We entered the house and heard Vicky laughing, and Marcus' voice, too. I don't know how, but I suddenly calmed down more. Hearing her sweet giggling was something I liked.

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