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Knock knock

Vincenzo waited for the woman to open the door while lighting a cigarette. He smoked a few times before hearing the sound of high heels coming, and he frowned. Even if he didn't show it, he was really impatient.

He took a look at his watch on his wrist and made sure he hadn't got there early, and he was right.

In a matter of seconds, a well dressed woman came into his view. She was wearing a tight red dress and natural makeup that, in other days, would make her look young and pretty. Of course that would be the case if the man didn't know she was trying to look nice for him, but he didn't say anything.

"Elizabeth. Long time no see"

"Vin! Come in" she said. He rolled his eyes at his typical nickname but obeyed her anyway.

The man took a seat near her and kept smoking for a while. He didn't really know how to start, so he just waited until he found the words.

"May I give you something to drink? Maybe a beer or, do you want to eat somet-"

"You're very nice, Elizabeth. But I'm gonna be quick, as I've just came here to ask you a question"

"O-oh, yes, sure. Go ahead"

Elizabeth copied his actions and lighted a cigarette from the table before taking a seat right in front of Vincenzo, making sure her underwear could be slightly visible under her dress.

Of course he didn't care.

"So I've heard your daughter isn't living here anymore, is that true?"

"...yes, it is. Why?"

Vincenzo chuckled in disbelief, something she didn't understand.

"The world is small, isn't it? Well, turns out, I think Victoria is hanging out with an old friend of mine"

Elizabeth clenched her jaw at the mention of Victoria. She had thought that if her daughter left, there wouldn't be any problems anymore, but it looked like the opposite.

"What do you mean, Vin? I'm an old friend of yours, and you won't even ask how am I?" She scoffed and he chuckled.

"You see, Eli, I'm in a hurry right now... But I guess I can ask you, how've you been? You look like a different person compared to when..." he smirked "well, you know"

"I have. Thanks for the goons and stuff, this city is a pretty rough territory, isn't it?"

"Don't mention it. Is the least I can do for you. But now, I really need you to tell me about that man" Vincenzo finally said, and she groaned at him. Elizabeth didn't want to talk about her missing daughter, because she simply had had enough of her alredy. She wasn't even trying to seduce the man in front of her anymore.

"You're talking about that asshole with 'i'm-the-alpha' complex? Yeah, well, I'm sure he just want to have fun with Vicky. I warned her, but she wouldn't listen to me, so I don't care"

She threw the cigarette and poured some beer in a glass, alredy in a bad mood.

"What do you mean?"

"What was his name again? Ryan, Rod- Ross! Yeah, that's his name. Victoria practically came crying and Ross seemed to comfort her. I know I said he probably wants to have fun with her, because of the type of man he looks like, but that time they looked really... close"

"I see"

"Yes, it was weird. She practically jumped to his arms, and they left. They even took the cat with them, but oh well. I got rid of two problems in one day, what do you think?"

Elizabeth didn't know when, but Vincenzo was alredy next to her, paying attention to every word she said. This took the woman by surprise, making her let out a gasp.

"That's all I wanted to hear. Thank you, I'll be taking my leave then, Elizabeth" he said, taking a sip of her beer. This made her blush. "Oh, and if you see your daughter again, contact me again"

"Sure Vin, whatever you need. Just don't forget she's your daughter, too

Ross' POV

"Can you tell Daddy what has you so worked up today?" I said to her. I was too used to speaking in third person now, because I knew it made her feel smaller, it was something she wouldn't say, but it was obvious.

I didn't like to punish her in little space, but I couldn't do anything if she behaved that way. I still didn't go too hard on her, because something was obviously bothering Vicky.

She looked down at her hands and started playing with them.


"Baby, if you don't tell Daddy what's wrong, he won't be able to help you. You can take your time, hm?"

She pouted at that, and I could tell she was feeling smaller.

"I... I've been having nightmares"

"Yeah? And what are they about?"

Victoria took a couple seconds before answering, as if she was trying to find the words. Practically nothing could make me feel sad and anxious, but this time it felt different. I just wanted her nightmares to go away.

"W-well, someone took you from me, and you never came back"

"Ahh so that's what this is about?" She tilted her head, confused. "Daddy's not going anywhere, never. What you see in your dreams isn't real baby, no one's gonna take me anywhere. I'm too strong, remember?"

I showed her my muscles and she giggled. I knew that promising her such thing was too risky, one never knows that could happen when you're in a mafia. But I didn't like seeing her that way.

"And what if someone takes me from you?"

I suddenly clenched my jaw at that. I've never really thought about that, and I could feel a pain on my chest as she asked such thing. I didn't mean to worry her though, so I just pretended it was fine.

"Princess, I wouldn't let anyone even touch you. Not even Jake, Jeff and Marcus would. You're my baby, and I'll protect you from everything, alright?" She didn't say anything, but I understood. Vicky looked at me with shiny eyes and more love than I have ever received, and the thought of her being apart from me again, made me upset. Why didn't I think about that before?

"Tonight we're going to watch a movie, and then cuddle until you fall asleep. How does that sound?"

"But don't you have to work?"

"Nah, my princess is my priority right now"

She happily nodded in a completely different mood, and I was sure she wasn't going to have nightmares anymore.

I picked her up again. Now, I felt I was the one being clingy.


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I'm really really sorry for disappearing again, I've been too busy lately... but I hope you enjoyed this part!

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