Chapter 10: Summer

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Rosie and Kenny were late this morning, so I didn't get the chance to meet up with them before heading to my locker.

I released a yawn covering it with the back of my hand. My body betrayed me by waking up a whole hour early, but I used my time wisely. I hopped on my laptop and began editing my blog. I haven't revamped it since I started it.

I still had sunflowers as my background and a vibrant drawing of a sun with the rays that had the squiggled lines next to the header. My blog's name was Sunflowers and Sunshine. Was it an original name? Probably, since I googled it and nothing else came up before I settled on it. Could I have thought of a better name? That was also another huge probably, but my brainstorming partner was MIA, and I had to go at this alone. I still was.

Not that my besties wouldn't jump at the opportunity to help me, but I haven't even told them about my secret hobby yet.

I thought that if this turned out to be a major flop, I could bury it and pretend it never happened. No one would have to know.

Anyway, I checked the views on my last blog post about school bullying. I got a lot of mixed reviews. I didn't specifically say what inspired the post. I just spoke about people's past experiences and what I've seen with my own eyes. Of course, I got the idea from what happened with Cam's locker the other day. I needed to vent, and I felt like what I had to say was worth sharing. I hoped it helped someone and made an impact, no matter how small.

I didn't know what direction I wanted for this blog. But I knew I wanted a place to write. I wanted to inform others about town news but through my voice and get creative. I thought it would be cool to discuss some teen issues and communicate with people who felt the same or had questions but no one to ask.

Was I an all-knowing writer? Far from it, but I was doing what I can. And hey, maybe one of my readers could teach me something too.

I felt the second the clouds stopped eclipsing the sun, and the rays fell on me.

Out of habit, my fingers reached for my necklace with the wooden charm that had a sun carved onto it.

I looked down at it, positive I was giving myself a double chin effect but never mind that.

The day this was gifted to me was still one of my favorite memories.

Another yawn broke free. This one had my eyes tearing up.

I had seen my mother drinking coffee this morning, and when she offered me a cup, I turned it down. I shouldn't have done that. Caffeine in my system might give me the boost I need to push through this day.

I rubbed at one of my eyes.

Before entering the building, I did a quick survey of the parking lot. Cameron's bike was nowhere in sight.

I didn't take more than three steps from the top of the staircase before Abigail and her crew surrounded me. I wasn't sure if I should be concerned or what? They've never tried to talk to me, and that was the way I liked it. They were the toxic mean girls that pretended like they were the queens of the school. They acted as if their whole lives were going to be like High school.

While I wouldn't normally wish for the hard life to knock someone on their ass. But I thought it would be beneficial for these girls to get a taste of the real world. Not everyone would see a pretty face and bow down to them, especially with their lack of brain cells.

I straightened. "Can I help you?" I tried to keep the irritation out of my voice, but I failed.

I had five minutes in the morning to catch Cam at his locker. We still weren't talking much besides the occasional nods of acknowledgment or my favorite "Good morning, Summer."

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