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I chuckled childishly in the sight of Duke Elegy trying to compose himself on the antics I am pulling.

"Lady Rashta... This is not a good time to joke.." He said as he tried to keep the topic astray and tame me.

"Hehe~ Well... I wanted to get Duke Elegy more, because if there's anything I have learned from my studies is that... Never to trust anyone." From a cheery disposition, I shifted my tone into a more serious manner.

That should shake him, because I know that in the canon events, Duke Elegy would betray canon Trashta and reveal her secrets, why get betrayed if you can reveal it yourself and actually gain the upper hand on it?

"And your point is?" He smirked and sat down while crossing his legs and shrugging his other arm.

"Well... Rashta is now a married woman, but I have taken quite a liking to Duke Elegy. I want to get to know him better as a friend, of course~ Rashta would never betray His Majesty! So... I decided to research on him."

Of course, that was a big fat lie. I know it all already, because I read the novel. Lol. I could see that he is getting uncomfortable with where I am getting at and I decided to press him further only to let it down so it'll be less suspicious.

Since Trashta is well known for being an angel and someone easy to manipulate, it is advisable to keep that act.

"I found out that you and King Heinrey are close friends! Close friends... Or... Is it? You see, King Heinrey is well known for his playboy image, maybe it's because he likes boys rather girls?! Duke Elegy must be King Heinrey's secret male lover!"

I have no intentions in the Heinrey slander, it's just this is my way of getting him to be on my side, as I would very much prefer if I unfold all of Trashta's garbage than other people. Thank you very much.

One thing I hate the most is getting betrayed, so in order to become the less trash of a villainess and adhere with the canon events, it is necessary that I do this!

Duke Elegy laughed as hard as he can on my big revelation. Yeah that's right. Laugh at how ridiculous that sounds, and we'll see.

"However, I also read about the Eastern and Western Empire's past... They seem to be not good friends... So if you're not his male lover... Maybe then you are conspiring to make the Eastern Empire into shambles!"

I laughed and the duke was completely silent about what I have just said.

"Hahaha! Rashta is just kidding! Maybe I was just studying too hard~ That I start to imagine things, you know as Rashta learned how to read and write, I feel like I could become an author! Soo... Is Rashta right or no?"

Duke Elegy seemed to be really cornered and flustered to even answer. Until he said this.

"Well, Lady Rashta is both right and wrong. King Heinrey is indeed my friend but I have to keep it a secret because of the history you just talked about. Mainly because of our families, so can you please keep it down?"

I pouted and put my face onto my palms to act cutesy.

"That is not for free, Duke Elegy... With that Rashta would like to trust you with one secret to keep and a request. Is that okay?"

His face immediately changed when I offered a secret. Of course, I would feed him the thing that could ruin me, but I'll have to deal with that some other time. For now, I do hope he helps me.

"That's interesting. You can tell me. I'm all ears." He smirked and lent me his ear. I purposely whispered to his ear.

"Before meeting His Majesty, I, too, once loved someone. Can you please give this letter to him? His name is Alan Lotteshu."

Duke Elegy seemed really surprised about the fact that Rashta was once in love with the son of her former master. I told him about how Alan treated her kindly and loved her tenderly, based on what I saw on Rashta's memories, but I hid the fact that we had a child together.

After all those wholesomeness, I told him that Alan was too much of a coward to leave his family, thus came the reason why I ran away from the estate and was found by Emperor Sovieshit. I asked him if he could give him a letter that I wrote and agreed.

In the letter, it wrote:

"To: Alan

It was hard for you to make a big decision before, but Rashta forgives you.

Things are different now and better for both of us. Only you can understand why.

If ever you have a change of heart, contact me immediately, let's fix our mistakes.

~Sincerely, Rashta."

I also told him not to read the contents of the letter. In any case that he will, it was carefully written. If ever he doesn't relay the message, it would be unlikely because he would want to dig more and talking to Alan will quench that thirst for sure.

All I can say is, everything is according to my plan.

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