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Rashta's POV

I do know for a fact that Kosair hates Rashta will all of his being as her presence is a threat to Navier's position, but this is an unexpected plot twist, even for me.

I don't know much, but I do know how does Navier feel towards this? I can only assume that this is one of Duke Ergi's plans for King Heinrey.

Sovieshu cleared his throat, signalling that a verdict will be made. The chancellor nodded.

"As the culprit has confessed, Lord Kosair is hereby stripped all of noble status and be executed as the slander against a royal concubine and the future heir is clearly an act of treason. As a result of this, we implore you to also divorce the Empress, Your Majesty! You cannot be affiliated with a family of their likes!"

Just....how many more humiliation Navier has to face? I know this is necessary for her and Heinrey to be together, as well as my life as Trashta but....

This is just wrong. It's so wrong on so many levels.

Suddenly, Navier stood up.

"And how does divorcing my sister make the empire good anyway? How could you bastards actually think that child is Sovieshu's?"

Kosair smirked. I could only look down and observe the events.

"When the emperor is the one barren himself!"

He suddenly revealed, which shocked most of the nobles. How did he know about this? Where? How? But either way, this is good. I prefer things to be like this.

Sovieshu's POV

Me?! The barren one?! That damn Kosair! How dare he accuse me of such nonsense!

"Have we ever had doctors to test the Emperor as well or no one doubts him because of the power that he holds?!"

Kosair continued in attempting to convince the nobles. If this continues, I could get cornered. If I stop this, it would be in my bad name.

That damn Heinrey and Kosair... Barging in my kingdom to ruin me...

I have to think...

"Rashta is proof enough that I am capable of having a child and I shall hear no RUMOURS or ATROCITIES against my heir! Marring the name of the royal family with no proof is an offense punishable by death. It doesn't matter what your lineage is. The law of the Eastern Empire is absolute. For this accusations, I hereby.... sentence Lord Kosair to death and the Trovi family including the Empress...be ousted of position!"

Heh... What am I to lose anyway? I have Rashta and my heir... Hahaha... That's right.....

Navier's POV

"And the Trovi Family, including the Empress be ousted of position!"

As I heard all of those words from Sovieshu, it felt like my whole world shattered apart. I stood up and clutched my dress, there wasn't anything that I could do. I was frozen stiff.

All I could hear is the sound of Imperial Knights coming towards us to take me away from the throne I used to sit on.

It was all over. The life I thought I was born with... All gone...

As the guards hesitantly grabbed my arms..... I guess it all makes sense now.

King Heinrey wants me... That's why he conspired with my brother. Sovieshu wants to get rid of me, that's why he conspired with the Viscount... Along with Rashta... At this point, I don't know who to trust anymore, nevertheless I need to prevail and survive.

I can hear nobles whispering, murmuring and giving bad comments about my family as the guards take us away.

Everything is starting to become a mess. I could see Kosair fighting with the knights and King Heinrey about to draw his sword, Duke Ergi sitting smugly on the side, Lady Libetti covering her face and Rashta...is quivering on the situation.

Rashta's POV

No...noo... This can't be happening! This shouldn't be the case! This trial was supposed to drive the Viscount away! Not the Empress!

Seeing Navier's face at the verge of a breakdown, but trying to keep her regal persona in tact made me scream on the top of my lungs.


Silence filled the courtroom. Even Sovieshu was shocked. He hurriedly stopped the guards and ran towards me, hugging me lovingly.

"It's alright, Rashta... These are necessary procedures... I hate to do this as well..."

Oh to hell with you and your lies, Sovieshit. We both know you are just acting. I panted and risked everything for this feat.

May it be for the best.

I knelt down and hugged Sovieshu's leg.

"Your Majesty... No... Please don't punish the Empress nor her family... They have done nothing wrong! Punish me instead! I was the filth that came into the Imperial Palace! My baby's identity is questionable... Even if... Even if he becomes announced as heir, the people won't respect him anyways! What's the point? His Majesty can find a lot of other women or even try with the Empress once again! All I wanted was to be saved from the life of a slave... If... If this is the price... I don't want it! I deserve death instead!"

I cried as if all of those words that came out. I learned all of the techniques in acting while I watch my former boss on the set, being coached, but for some reason, tears came out of my eyes naturally.

"No... Rashta. Don't say those. You are the hope of my empire. You have my heir." Sovieshu caressed my stomach and I slapped his hand away.

Much to everyone's shock, the doors of the courtroom opened, from its silhouette stood a man with a long crown, holding a book and a staff.



Hi there! Are you still reading this fanfic? If yes, thank you so much for being the best part of this series and I appreciate you for waiting for a new chapter!

I've just been pretty busy these days since I am working and studying in college. I do hope you guys understand.

Any comments, suggestions or ideas would be also great! Leave it on the comments below. I love you all! Enjoy reading!

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