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Personal gain, huh? No wonder it seemed like everything was going smoothly after Sovieshu had plans on divorcing me.

This is the life in the palace, after all.

Which brings me back to how Sovieshu is raging about how the Viscount extorted his beloved concubine. Although, it was an issue that was solved, I still wonder.

Would Sovieshu be this angry for my sake or would he discard me in order to protect her?

The conversation I have eavesdropped from Duke Ergi and King Heinrey.... As well as the information I got from Lady Libetti.

They're all messing with my head right now.

It's a nostalgic feeling. I can feel that the Sovieshu is up to something to get rid of me again.

As much as I hate it, if King Heinrey is there and he has the same sentiments, it won't be much of a difference anyway.

Political marriages. A concept that was always normal to me ever since I was child.

I've always immersed myself into studying politics, that I don't have time to indulge into leisurely activities such as reading romantic novels.

Not that I enjoyed those anyway.

The Chancellor then recalled all of the events at hand.

"Very well. So far, all of the events in the past have been addressed for the notion of the rumours spread around the palace. Now, we must go to the main point."

It really is suspicious that they started with the past events regarding this. All of the leaders and some palace staff were then interviewed to trace the origin of this rumour.

A show to put up for the nobles to think the system is fair, but some hands are there, waiting to grab the perfect opportunity.

All of their answers lead back to the maid assigned to Rashta.

Rashta gasped. "That's the maid that tried to poison me before the trial!"

The poor maid can't help but cry while admitting that she indeed served poisoned food for her lady.

Rashta's POV

I had convinced that maid to testify for this trial, since it should point back to that Viscount.

"What is your motive of poisoning His Majesty's concubine?" The chancellor asked.

"I... I... I've been ordered by the Viscount, Your Graces.... My family was struggling financially! I had no choice!" She said.

A day before the trial, she said the same exact thing. I'm not asking for stupid honesty, I just want her to testify something that will benefit my plans.

The chancellor looked at the Viscount to confirm the truth.

"Yes. I ordered the maid to do that to Rashta. I got offended when I was under home-arrest as she is not grateful for us."

I clenched my fists. "Grateful to you?! You have done nothing but trash me!" I exclaimed angrily, but stopped as the stress had also affected my baby in the womb, since I am almost due.

And kids, that's the story of how Rashta became Trashta.

Sovieshu leaned on his fists and looked at him in the most bored and cold way possible.

"You were on house-arrest. How can possibly a pathetic powerless noble do to harm my concubine?"

I saw the Viscount, smirk as if he was guaranteed to be saved. He's just that type of person.

"As expected of our Emperor! Yes I had help!"

Man, the Viscount at this moment sounds like a leeching ambitious teacher's pet.

"And who might be that help?" The chancellor asked.

The Viscount paused. He had help?! Where? I--- I can feel the tension in the court room before he can even reveal the person that aided him. Could it be----

"Lord Kosair Trovi." He stated.

Navier's POV

The person that was helping that Viscount was my brother? That cannot be. He would absolutely have nothing to do with Viscount Lotteshu.

I do admit that he can be aggressive and expresses his hate towards my situation, but to poison someone after being exiled because of it, that's something.....


Kosair stood up and muttered words that surprised me.

"Yeah. I conspired with the Viscount to kill that concubine! Because how could all of you accept her as an Empress when Navier here is the best! I am also the one who spread the rumours about the identity of the child! Just wait until that child is born! You will all see!"

Kosair.... I cannot express the frustration and confusion I am feeling right now. This will prompt him to be exiled again or someone that can Sovieshu use to threaten me.

I glanced at Rashta who seemed to be so scared. Was she actually a part of this or not? Was it a wrong choice that I trusted her after seeing her change?

The accounts of Duke Ergi, the rendezvous of King Heinrey, Duke Ergi and my brother, the information Lady Libetti told me.

What is that all for?


(A/N: Hey! I did an oopsie in the previous chapter. I fixed it now! Thank you and I'm sorry for the confusion!)

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