25 | the true treasure

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"Cecilia Tanny, Denmark's wife

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"Cecilia Tanny, Denmark's wife."

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ONCE THE TEENAGERS had figured out that Angel Oak is where the treasure is buried, none of them wasted a single second to climb into the campervan and drive to Goat Island. The actions that they are making are fast so that they can get to their destination before Limbrey and Rafe. The Cameron's (excluding Sarah) have already stolen the gold away from the Pogues, and they're not going to repeat this with a cross that belongs to Pope's ancestor.

Goat Island is a place in Outer Banks that not many people go to visit because there's absolutely nothing that's worthy for tourists to see. The road to the area has disappeared overall and only a muddy path has been created. Trees are standing tall as they crowd together, leaves becoming lifeless and dropping from their branches to them fall onto the ground. Murky water surrounds the muddy paths that just cause it all to become wet mud.

"Oh, shit." John B curses. "The tide's starting to come in."

"There's tire tracks in the mud." Pope states as he peaks through the window. "Those have to be their tire tracks."

"What do you think, chief?" JJ asks the brunet.

"I'm thinking it's looking a little dicey." John B replies.

JJ nods. "Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with that statement."

"Well, clearly they made it." Kie argues.

"In a two-wheel drive? I don't know about that." JJ replies.

"Why are y'all acting like you're not gonna do it anyways? Like, when have y'all ever done the sage thing?" Sarah questions.

"She's got a point." John B agrees.

"Okay, speed is your friend here." JJ tells him. "Put her down in second and hammer down, brother."

"And stick to the high ground in the middle." Delilah adds.

John B nods at the pair, listening to the instructions that they're providing for him. The campervan takes off down the watered down path as the wet mud just starts to spray up around them all. JB tries to ensure that the vehicle is travelling as fast as it possibly can, not wanting to get it stuck in the water. The others can be heard shouting more instructions to the boy, but he just chooses to ignore it all and do what he thinks is best.

Eventually, the campervan is able to make it through the murky water with no problems. Loud cheers then leave each of their mouths, thankful that it went the way that they had hoped it would. John B continues to drive further up the path so that they're able to get closer to the wanted destination. Then, the vehicle is pulled to a slow stop that allows the group to climb out after sliding the doors open.

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now