31 | safe in each others arms

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"It's okay, you're okay."

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AFTER DELILAH SNUCK into the Cameron household and got Sarah to help patch her wounds up, the blonde girl allowed the redhead to stay for a mini girls night to ease her worries and give her some time to rest. It consisted of the pair binge watching a couple films while making comments about what's happening in the storyline, snacking on some food too. Sarah even gave Delilah some fresh clothes to change into so that she doesn't have to sit around in her own dried blood — it being a crop top and some comfy shorts.

However, soon enough, the Pogue decides that it's time to take her leave and sneaks out of the house the same way she came from. Sarah had helped her do so after knowing that the injuries inflicted onto her friends body is still painful, wanting the rest of the journey for her to be stress-free. So, currently, Delilah is roaming the streets for fresh air in order to help keep her mind off of certain things.

The night sky doesn't seem to hold a single star, the moon being covered by the clouds that slowly drift over the top of it. It seems to reflect Delilah's mood, appearing miserable and having lost hope. The wind rustles the green leaves of the large trees that tower above her, also brushing against her bare skin and sending goosebumps up her arms. The teenager just wraps her arms around herself to keep warm as she continues walking down the quiet roads. All that the redhead can do is listen to the crickets chirp and the birds tweet while the faint sound of the ocean waves crashes violently against the shore in the distance.

Due to it being night time, the poor girl is weary of her surroundings and is listening to every sudden sound to make sure that nothing can happen to her. And, unfortunately due to the crop top and shorts Sarah had given her, it only made Del more weary, and even self-conscious with the amount of cuts and bruises she now has on her body.

Never in her life as she experienced a beating as bad as that; her own mother is the very person to inflict that amount of pain. Never in her life does she want to experience it again. Never in her life does she want JJ to experience it again too, now knowing the exact pain that he goes through with his own father.

All Ly wants to do right now is to find JJ and curl up in his arms while they reassure one another. All she wants to do is love him and prove to him that he's worthy. All she wants is to be with her best friends so that she can apologise for lashing out at them earlier. All she longs for is a mother and father that will love their daughter for being herself.

Delilah seems to have only gone around in a circle, appearing back where she started; broken. She had worked so hard to be happy and finally thought she found it, only for her mother to come crawling back and try acting like she's worthy of returning to the teenagers chaotic life. Who chooses to abandon their own child for drugs, letting them struggle to survive with the bare minimum of knowledge about the everyday world?

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now