16 | kitty hawk wilderness camp

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"Like, Bob Marley?"

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KITTY HAWK WILDERNESS camp is a location where parents will send their 'troubled' teenagers if they believe that there's no other way to change their behaviour. Many teenagers will argue against being sent to the camp, stating that they do not need to be 'fixed'. However, unfortunately, parents are not able to understand that and wholeheartedly believe the web of lies that these kinds of places promote.

Currently, Delilah and JJ find themselves travelling towards Kitty Hawk. They want to help one of their best friends escape from the wilderness camp, and they are willing to do anything to make sure that it happens. Neither of them has a plan, choosing to go with the flow and hope that it's successful. So, when they drive up to the gates and a guard stops them, slight panic fills their bodies.

"Hold it right there." The guard kindly instructs as he walks over to the vehicle. "Can I help you?"

"Hey there, sir." JJ greets, trying to act natural. "I'm camp counsellor Laura's brother. I was just going to quickly drop off one of these packages for her, if that is okay with you."

"Alright. Go ahead." The guard tells him.

"Thank you so much." JJ replies with a smile. "Have a good day, sir."

JJ is quick to drive through the gates, wanting to get away from the guard before he can start to question either of them even further, especially since Delilah chose to say nothing during the entire conversation. Nevertheless, JJ allows the Twinkie to soon roll to a slow stop in a free space in the parking lot. Then, he and Delilah slip out of the vehicle to enter the camp's grounds, finding another guard stood nearby as he watches everyone aimlessly stroll past him.

"Hi there, sir." JJ calls, grabbing his attention. "I'm looking for the office. Is there a main lodge that I can go to?"

"To your right." The guard replies.

Not having anything else to say, the pair quickly turn away from where the guard is standing and begin to make their way towards the main lodge. Then, upon reaching the door to the lodge, JJ doesn't hesitate to waltz into the room as Delilah closely follows behind him, finding her eyes then falling onto the sight of a woman sitting behind the desk. The woman looks up and stares at the two teenagers in confusion, silently watching JJ as he struggles to shut the door behind them, deciding to quickly (and not so subtly) slam his shoulder against the door.

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now