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"Who's going to fly the plane, dumbass?"

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"Who's going to fly the plane, dumbass?"

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

THE LAST MONTH, Poguelandia has become a home for the six teenagers. They have learned how to survive out in the wilderness together; they sought shelter inside of a cave and created makeshift beds from the limited resources, caught their own food with spears that they crafted, created a fire pit, and went out adventuring to collect coconuts to drink from. The teenagers have been working together as a team, and it has strengthened their bonds (especially with Sarah and Cleo) since they only have each other.

A thin white cloth has been tied to one of the trees that line the edge of the sandy beach. As promised by JJ, the flag for Poguelandia has a chicken that wears a coconut bra and crocs while smoking a joint drawn on it. He had managed to create his own pencil out of stock and charcoal, then climbed one of the trees to attach the flag to it so that it can fly in the wind. Delilah had watched as he did this, commenting on his art skills; she has always loved the stupid little doodles he used to do on her notebook during class, and this made her miss times like that.

Currently, Delilah and JJ are sitting on the sand as they craft themselves spears to catch some fish for dinner later. JJ has been the one to teach all of them how to make the spear, and the group of friends has been taking it in turns to pair up every day to gather food for everyone to eat. However, it was agreed that Cleo wouldn't after she accidentally stabbed her toe one time, which led to Pope and Kiara figuring out that the plants and leaves around them can help her.

"What do you think is going to happen when we're eventually rescued?" Delilah asks.

"Rescued from what? From paradise?" JJ questions with a laugh. "I'm not going back to OBX. We've got everything we need right here."

Delilah gaze settles onto her boyfriend, watching as a smile splits across his lips and stays there. His eyes are locked down onto the spear in his hands, focused on what he's doing so that he doesn't mess anything up and risk causing harm to either of them. A smile makes its way onto Delilah's face too, heart warming as she realises that he's getting the chance to live out his dream on this island right now.

"Just like we talked about." Delilah states.

"Exactly." JJ agrees as he now lifts his gaze to meet her eyes. "Living my dream life with my favourite people."

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now