26 | a careless father

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"Perfect don't matter

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"Perfect don't matter."

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

THE PLAN WAS settled for how the group of friends are going to pull the vehicle out of the murky water, just needing to get it completed as soon as possible. The three hurry with their actions to ensure that they can get to The Cut and back before Limbrey has a chance to return to Goat Island. However, due to the fact the campervan is the one stuck in the water, they have to walk the whole distance.

Currently, the three are crouched down outside of a white fence that borders off the Carrera household. Kie seems to be having some doubts about the plan because it's going to affect her relationship with her parents even more. But the girl still chooses that it's best if they continue with the plan, especially since it's the only one that have right now. So, JJ reaches forwards and pulls open the fence gate, which allows Delilah to sneak towards the front of the house.

Carefully and quietly, the front door is pushed open and the sound of talking from the two adults fills her ears almost instantly. The scraping of forks against plates follows behind the voices for a brief moment, meaning that the Carrera's are distracted with their dinner. Delilah advances forwards on her tiptoes in order to remain as silent as possible to avoid being caught. The redhead makes her way over to the bowl of keys like Kiara had previously explained, peaking around the wall to see the parents eating dinner with bright smiles on their faces — they both look happy without their daughter, which is a kick to the guts.

Delilah allows her eyes to drop down to the bowl of keys, scanning each one of them until she's able to recognise the one that Kie has been seen with many times before. The girl the reaches inside and pulls the keys out, making sure to grabs onto the keyrings to stop it all from clanging together; the last thing that she wants to do is create any type of noise that will give away her hiding spot and tell the adults that she's sneaking around the house. Then, Delilah turns back in the direction that she previously came from and walks back outside and over to the two teens.

"Got it?" Kie questions.

"Got it." Delilah repeats, holding the keys up. "These are the right ones, right?"

"Yeah, they are." Kie replies.

The redhead throws the car keys over to her friend so that she'll be able to drive, already knowing that she's not trusted to do that — hence why Kie tagged along with them. JJ manages to call shotgun for the passengers seat and swiftly climbs into the car, Kie just glancing over at Delilah to then receive a shrug in response. The girls clamber into the car too and drive off before they can get caught stealing a truck. But also, they're constantly reminding themselves that they need to hurry with their actions to avoid increasing the possibility of the campervan sinking underwater because of the tide coming in.

THE REDHEAD ☾ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now