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Author's Note:

Welcome to Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World. I started writing this book around the time the COVID lockdowns began, during which I found myself having so much free time that I was insanely bored all day every day. That's when I decided to try my hand at writing a book to keep myself occupied and pass the time.

Initially, I didn't take it very seriously, I didn't plan the story out or anything, I was just making it up as I went along. It wasn't until around the chapter 25 mark that I really started to take it seriously and plan the story out more, as this book began to gain more attention than I ever expected it to. 

Therefore, the first twenty or so chapters can come off as kinda amateurish. However, I'd like to think that after that, the story and writing improve a lot, as I started thoroughly planning the story arcs and long term plot around chapter 25-30.

The feedback I've received backs that up, my early chapters get some rather mixed reactions, while my later chapters get relatively positive reactions for the most part. I encourage and appreciate all feedback and criticism, through past criticism and suggestions from comments, I'd like to think that I've used those experiences to improve my writing and the story overall.

I sincerely hope you enjoy reading this book, and again, I welcome any and all feedback or criticism, so feel free to express your opinions and thoughts in the comments. Happy reading! 


I'm dead. That was the only thought that ran through my head in my final moments. I didn't panic or pray, or whatever other people do when they face death.

Nope, all my brain could muster was the bare minimum; acceptance of my fate. Unsurprising, considering the events leading up to my death.

"So, you are now dead," Echoed a floaty voice in my head.

I opened my eyes and saw a figure clad in literal brightness in front of me.

"You appear quite calm, most would panic and start asking question upon question," Once again, the voice came directly into my head.

"I already know I'm dead, and what comes after death was a complete mystery, so I have no reason to panic, in fact I gotta say, this is pretty fascinating. So, are you supposed to be God or something?" I inquired quizzically.

"No, it would be inaccurate to call me a God, but explaining what I am would be beyond your comprehension, so for now let us stick with 'or something'", Came the reply.

"O...kay? Hey, there's one thing I'm curious about...why do I feel so calm? Before I died, I'm pretty sure I was filled with an overwhelming amount of hatred and desire for vengeance, but right now, I feel...normal."

"Hm...I had hoped you would not notice that. It is simple, what you went through before your life ended, the trauma it caused had...skewed your sanity, to put it lightly. I readjusted your sanity back to a relatively normal state of mind, along with a few other...necessary adjustments."

Can't say I liked the sound of that...I-I'll ignore it.

On another note...

"Ugh, do you think you could answer the normal way, you know, through my ears? Talking into my head like that feels super creepy," I groaned.

After a brief period of silence, the voice continued, this time so that I could hear its words with my ears.

"Your life was quite eventful. And by judging it, I shall determine what comes next for you," It stated.

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