Chapter 13 - Identification

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"So, you're saying you lost your Identification Card, but you have no idea when or where?"

"That's right. I mean,'s not like I carried it everywhere I went. I recall leaving it in the room in the inn I'm staying at, but there's no sign of it anymore."

"Can you prove that you lost it? Or rather, prove that you ever had it in the first place? How do we know you're not a spy from another country or an illegal immigrant or something?"

"Yeah, I can prove it. I'm currently a first year student at the Adventurer Academy. I couldn't have enrolled if I didn't have an ID, now could I?"

If Persia was right, they were generally supposed to ask you to show your Identification Card when applying for the Adventurer Academy at their enrollment office. It was definitely something that was easy to overlook, which was probably why I had been able to get away with it in the first place.

Man, talk about lucky, my life after reincarnation could have easily ended up with me rotting away in jail, the only thing that had prevented that was carelessness on the part of the Academy enrollment office. Which was exactly why I couldn't leave any room for suspicion, I couldn't waste that luck.

In preparation for this, I had even thought up a whole, detailed backstory, in case they decided to probe and ask a ton of questions.

"Hmm, I suppose that is true. Very well, then. Let us proceed with confirming that you really are a student at the Adventurer Academy," Said the agency guy.

With that, my interrogation was over, as we headed to the Academy. Too bad this world didn't have telephones, could have resolved this thing in no time at all. Once he confirmed my claim, we headed back to his office and he proceeded to issue me an Identification Card.

"Here, just fill it out with this pen," He said, handing me a white card with blank spaces on it and a black pen that appeared to be a long, thin crystal, with a bottle of ink to dip the tip into.

It felt quite sturdy, and was about the size of a credit card. There was a translucent strip on top of it, a line that stated that I was a Rustlands citizen at the bottom, a square blank on the right side, and on the left, two spaces for my name...crap, I need to think of a last name.

When I applied at the Academy, I just simply wrote down Kuro on my application, they never made a fuss about it, so I never bothered coming up with a last name. I was never given a real name in my old life either, the assassin who trained and raised me after I was sold to him as a kid just called me 'you' and 'boy', and after I started taking on professional assassination jobs, I primarily went by the codename 'Kuro', and would use random aliases during undercover and longer-term missions.

I couldn't hesitate, or this guy might get suspicious. I'll write down the first thing that comes to mind!




"What the heck was I thinking?" I groaned to myself, as I left the government agency office with my new Identification Card.

After filling out my name with the pen, which had a strange type of ink that initially glowed when I wrote with it, I had to place a finger on the square blank in the right side of the card and run my Mana through it, which turned the blank gray. To prove that the card was mine, I just had to run a bit of Mana through that square again, doing that would cause the translucent strip on top to start glowing. If anyone else tried it, it wouldn't glow. It was pretty neat.

But of all the names I could have picked for my last name...I went with Black.

Yeah, my first name was literally the Japanese word for black, and I had straight up gone with Black for my last name.

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